Are you addicted to Watching TV?

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Re: Are you addicted to Watching TV?

Postby tamaratiu » Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:42 am

believe it or not I hardly turn my TV on :D . I kindah develop my dislike for TV. when I was young we have cable at home but its only on when its news time and we are only allowed to watch certain channels and certain programs.

most news information that I get are from the morning paper thanks to my old fashion dad who subscribe but now that I live far away from them I get news from the internet. so no I am not addicted to TV but I am addicted to internet specially youtube.. its where I watch movies and dramas I cant afford to buy in DVD form hehe :)
want to know 101 things I wish to do before I die// lets talk :)
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Re: Are you addicted to Watching TV?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:21 am

Like you too, tamaratiu, I probably have traded the television for the internet. I have not really thought about it that much hearing you talk about internet news made me realize that is what I have done. After all, doesn't the internet come over a television, actually a computer monitor. If I could compare the 2, I like the internet better than the television, because with the television we are somewhat puppets, or I have heard it described that way. We sit there almost in a hypnotic state watching what ever comes over the television set. Sure we have programing from which we can decide what to watch, but we, in our country anyway, watch lots of commercials to pay for the television programs. Of course there are other costs as well. I like the internet because it is interactive. I am not only reading, but I am writing. Then there are more choices with the internet. The choices are almost limitless. You can look up about any kind of information you want. If I am trying to find a Bible Scripture, I can just put in a few lines of a verse, do a search, and then I can find where the passage is found. You have a better chance of doing what you are interested in on the internet. I could never do this with a television set. I do read some news on the interent, but we don't watch very much of anything on the interent because with our internet provider we are limited on our bandwidth, and it doesn't take much to exceed it, and they they limit our internet speed to where we can't do much. For people who continually exceed they threaten to shut them down competely. Our kids who live here close by have the same situation with a different provider, but our kids who live near Spokane have a service, I think over a cable, in which they can use as much internet bandwidth as they wish. We now use it for e-mails, facebook, news, searching whatever topic we wish, and probably other uses that I am not thinking about now. :D :D :D :D
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Re: Are you addicted to Watching TV?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:50 am

When supper was ready the kids put on a movie, more geared to their interest than ours, "The Prom," so after eating I came in here to do this, and the big kids, older adults went to Carol's room to look at yarn, and who knows what else. I think maybe Carol was giving away some of her things. She does that periodically, and so I have a feeling now she has less stuff, and that is okay because she is giving it to the kids, and they will have it. The kids all finished watching the movie, and after that our daughter brought her 2 daughters in here, and they looked at some old sentimental pictures that were taken years ago, and were on 2 camera chips which our daughter had me load on my computer, and also save them on 2 disks. They had a very good time looking at them. Our daughter could not sleep well last night, so she looked at those pictures on her camera, and it made her feel badly because of circumstances causing her to be separated from her kids for a period of time, but now things are improving, so I expect she will be with them more from now on. She was in a very abusive relationship/marriage that was so dangerous that her kids could not be around them, but now she is safe and with us, so we are thankful to the Lord for that. I would rather be either playing church hymns/songs on the piano, or doing this than watching anything on television including movies, but I watch them periodically just to be in their company. :D :D :D :D
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