Thank you, Chas and Red. You are correct, Chas, it is very nice to be retired and be able to do fun projects while having all the time you need, with not deadlines because there is always tomorrow, and usually the passing time poses no problem. Now we have all new windows and doors, new rugs in two rooms, two new bathrooms, other rooms look nice, some of them have too much stuff in them, and especially my bedroom, which I need to sort out, go through my storage, and store some of that stuff, kitchen is not renewed but very nice and usable, cellar completed, block wall 4 feet tall protecting the underside of our house from the severe cold temperatures and the wind, and a nice yard for our use, and for the doggies' happiness! We are doing great. I have the roofing purchased to replace our roof as well as all the insulation purchased and stored that we need to put over our heads. We just need to get it done, and our youngest daughter is going to orchestrate that. I just need to buy the rafter materials and the sheeting, and then all the materials will be purchased ready and available, and it is a good thing, because our roof looks like it is not far from falling in! We saw several of these homes in this area that look like that; they just did not build roofs for these homes to bear the weight of the snow load, but we have wind that keeps the top of our house snow free; it blows else where, so if we can't get at this job before winter sets in, we will still be ok, but it is one of those things that will not hold good forever, and I have a good snow rake that I can pull snow off the roof from the ground, so we will be okay. Anyway as you suggested, Chas, if feels good to get things accomplished and know that you are making them happen! Red, we may even bring those chickens in my bathroom before it is over with!