crisipicada wrote:
We could sum it up like this: If aWhat if the husband do not have resources and cannot work because he become ill? Will you wife will stay with your husband?
Of course, I will. When you marry someone because of money then that is not true love. Unless she learns to love the man in the process. Love can be learned and develop in due time. It just needs time and good communication.
I will give you an example, a true story.
My senior, one time share to us about his married life. He married to a woman who has a good work, a stable job here in the City. He has no work yet, but because she accepted him, they get married and have 2 kids. He then landed a job. Therefore, not all women or filipina will marry someone because of money.
Will you love the person who provided you and treat you bad? Being controlling and seems he own you and treated you as what he wants? Married life in not about controlling or treating someone bad. It is about giving and loving, it is about developing intimate relationship, sharing life together, in good times and in bad times. I saw a lot of marriage life that the husband treat his wife badly. He treated her more than servant. Is that love? Of course not. So women, will you love that kind of guy? A western guy who have money but will treat you bad? Who will be controlling, who will not give you freedom to share your heartaches and burdens in life? Who wants to marry someone who wont have a listening heart. Okay okay, you provide resources, money, give good life. But, deep in your heart, he treated you badly.
Of course, I wont marry that kind of guy. If i will be given to choose whom to marry, a westerner who well off and have resources (money) and treat me bad, do not have listening heart, and to choose someone who is not rich and I can help him, whether he is a filipino or not, then i would choose him then. At least I do not have burden in life and can share my heart's desire.
I issue of money and love is not about loving someone because of money or loving someone because of money, but WHO WILL YOU MARRY THAT WILL TREAT YOU WELL, WILL LISTEN TO YOUR HEART'S DESIRE, WHO WILL HELP YOU TO BECOME WHO YOU ARE, WHO WILL SUPPORT YOU EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY...
I hope you get my point, bigblastguy.
Crisi, I am not discussing what you do after you marry. I am not discussing your commitment to marriage. I am discussing WHY Filipinas search for western men.
Crisi if given the choice of two men: one man treats you great loves you, you love him, he is very poor and you know you and your children will live in poverty; one man treats you great loves you you love him he has great career and resources and you know you and your children will live in nice home, good, food, money for doctors, education etc, which man do you chose?
Most women will chose the man with resources. To say women don't prefer men with resources and that resources is not a primary reason Filipinas look for a western man is just not being honest.