by Smiley » Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:40 pm
The biggest and most dangerous lies about Islam are that it is a religion of peace and that Allah is god.
Their "prophet" was a murderer,a thief, and a rapist who claimed "Allah" gave license to him and his followers to kill,steal,and enslave,as well as a share of the wealth they stole from non-muslims. The promise of being allowed to steal and rape without any fear of punishment it what caused the earliest members to join.Some of their "laws" state that after giving a non-believer 3 opportunities they are to slay him unless he (it's always male with these homos)can pay a regular tithe to Allah. What a load of crap.
Mohammad was pretty much the village idiot,his father was a keeper of the temple where they stored their "Gods",who in reality were a bunch of rocks.The people were not allowed to see these rocks except for very special occasions.They were however,required to pay for their care and feeding.This was a pretty good deal for the keepers because I doubt the rocks really ate that much so the oferringswent to the temple elite.The head rock was named Allah who was the moon god. After hearing stories in the market place from Jewish and early Christian traders,Mohammed decided that he was a Jewish holy man.Only problem was, he got most of the stories wrong and mixed up and as a result got his ass laughed out of the market.This enraged him and pretty much explains why when he recycled his moon god into God and himself as the prophet the most important rule was that nobody was allowed to laugh at the prophet for being a clown. Seriously.