When I was in the 10th or 11th grade I started wearing glasses. I hardly even needed them at first. I went to get my eyes checked because they were watering, burning, and itching. I was given a little correction in my lenses, but I hardly even needed that for years. I think what was causing my eye discomfort was the smoke from the wood heat, and also I had a lot of barn chores I had to do, so I worked with the cows and the horses until it was almost bed time, and then I did my school work, if I could, if I felt like it, and many times I was just way too tired to do that. But eventually I did need my glasses as my eyes changed over the years. Now I couldn't read without my glasses, but I can still see well far in the distance. When you turn 65 years old and if you are on Medicare they will look at your eyes every two years, but I have been diagnosed with cateracts, very mild at this point, so Medicare pays for my eye exam every year. Last year when the eye doctor told me I had cateracts, I asked him what I could do for that. He told me that I could wear sunglasses, or UV protective lenses, which is what I got, the ones that change for the darker in the sun light. He also told me that it would help me if I would stop smoking!!!! I didn't argue with him, but listened to everything he said. I think he thought I smoked because I had a thick pack of notes in my pocket, memory aids!, and he mistook the thickness in my pocket for a pack of cigarettes. He also no doubt smelled the smoke from some junk wood we had been burning in our house. I did try smoking when I was 13 or 14 years old, but it didn't make sense to me, and I almost burned the barn down, trying my smoking. The real reason I quit was that my Dad told me that he heard I was smoking, and he told me that if he found out it was true it would kill him! That was the end of my experimental smoking! Anyway my cateracts are a long ways from needing surgery, and I have some other eye trouble especially my left eye, and the eye doctor told me that I should take special eye health vitamin and mineral, called AREDS 2 formula, and he told me that those vitamins would safe guard my vision, so I am going to take them. He also talked me into taking a multi vitamin, he said to find the Centrum Silver, and then buy Walmart's brand which is much cheaper. A little humor here: The bottle says, "Women Age 50+"
It also says, "Complete Ultra Woman's Health!"
Well, I'm not a woman, but that is what the doctor ordered!