What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:09 pm

Hey Red: Good to hear from you. I hope that your Christmas was a happy one and that your New Years will be everything you want it to be.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:17 pm

Red, start the day with Jesus, and end it with Jesus is good. New Years time is a good time to be thankful for the blessings of the past year, just like at Thanksgiving, and look forward to the blessings of the coming year! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:20 pm

Edwin wrote:Red, start the day with Jesus, and end it with Jesus is good. New Years time is a good time to be thankful for the blessings of the past year, just like at Thanksgiving, and look forward to the blessings of the coming year! :D :D

Hey Smiley and Sir Edwin, thank you and yes I had great Christmas with my family here and I was thankful that i met a Filipina at work so I am not lonely anymore and I made friends already. We are blessed despite having tough times to start life here. This 2012 is a great year indeed, I always count the blessings just thankful even the down times. God is good all the time. You know, why whiny when you can ask Him everything and anything. Sometimes we worry over little things we tend to forget that God is always there above. I guess we tend to forget that because when we worry we always have our head down or look down, ha ha. Best always look up then :lol:
Psalm 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord for He is good: For His mercy endures forever!
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:23 am

Yes, Red, the admonition of Scripture is to life up your heads! "Look up for your redemption draweth nigh!" You are right Red, instead of complaining we can be thankful. Instead of having our heads down we can look forward to great things from the Lord, and yes, He is good all the time! Psalm 118:1; is a great verse of hope for us! We should give thanks to the Lord because He is good, and His mercies do endure forever! He is merciful and gracious to us! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:48 am

We got up early Sunday morning, at 5:00 a.m., for me. I already had my alarm set for 5 a.m., so it was the easiest just to get up then, so that is what I did. Then I showered as well as doing my other chores, and got ready to go down the hill! We walked out to the mailbox/gate where our car is. The only door I could get open was the driver's door, so Carol crawled across to the rider's seat in front. All the other doors were frozen shut, and we couldn't open any of the others! We ran the heat as warm as we could, and by the time we got to town we could get all the doors open! We spent the day with our youngest daughter and her two daughters. We needed to be there until 8 p.m. We decided to stay all night there as Carol has a really hard time walking after dark. I have no problem walking after dark so it is hard for me to understand. I don't know whether it is her balance, eye sight, lack of feeling in her feet, or what, but she said that she has a hard time telling if the ground is level or not, and it makes her slip when there is snow and ice where she is walking. I would have rathered come home at night, but it is okay, and she was more comfortable coming home in the daylight. Our daughter sent a little firewood home with us in case we have severe weather and need to start a fire in the kitchen wood cookstove. I purchased ten 40 pound bags of wood pellets to burn in our pellet stove to keep our house warm. We then came on home. Our son-in-law brought the tractor down with the bucket on the front of it, and we loaded it with pellets, wood, and groceries, and in two trips we had it all brought in to our house! I would rather just drive right to the house, but it is impossible now with the drifted snow. I am hoping that the roads will be open, with the snow cleared by Friday early morning, or sometime in the morning, because I need to go see the doctor to learn the results of my recent prostate biopsy! It is supposed to be good news, and I am believing for that! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:50 am

I am really up on these time differences between USA West coast and the Philippines, but I still get startled. Crisi, said that she was back to work, and I though, "What this is New Year's Day," but guess what even though ther still is 20 minutes or so here of the New Year's Day, where Crisi is it is 20 minutes before 4 o'clock on a January 2nd! A lot of the kids go back to school on January 2nd.

Well, I went out to take some garbage out, and that's no easy task as I had to shovel snow, and remove covers, but at least our garbage is out of our house, and it smells better in the corner of our kitchen where the garbage was! Then I cleaned the snow off from all our cars and pickup. I cleaned the travel trailer, snow off from it, the night before.

Then here came Scooby with the look on his face like, hahaha, I got out of my yard! I called him in the house. I thought he was going out over the banti chicken's house, so I dug out there a little more, fed him, and turned him into his yard. He didn't even look at his food, but went right over to where the snow was up to the top of the fence on the outside, did a little hop, and over he went! I didn't want to see that, but I did see that. The snow was really deep on the outside of his fence and I didn't want to work that hard! But guess what? I did anyway! He doesn't hurt anything but our daughter wants us to keep him in his yard, so I dug snow from about 2:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.! I was so tired, and I was hungry because I skippped my mid day meal to do that digging. I felt sorry for myself, but I kept digging, because I knew I did not dare let him out into his yard until I had removed all the snow about 4 feet out from the outside of his fence. Now I think he will be fine, as we went over where he hoped out, and he looked at it a long time in disbelief that all that snow was gone! I can now feel my back muscles, and I had more exercise than I needed, but I will be fine, and "Scooby, Please stay in your yard!" :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:18 am

I have a tendency to turn my hours around all the time! I would have no trouble moving to Philippine's time because I want to live those hours anyway! I know it is not the best way to live, but I have had that tendency most of my adult life. I got up early and went to bed early when I had to work those kinds of hours, but now I am just doing my own thing, so in a way it doesn't matter, except when you get to living a night life you are out of synch with everyone else. No matter how late I got to bed I always get up hours before Carol does because with her health problems she requires so much sleep. I worked night hours for quite a few years, and then went I attended college classes I studied and did my work a lot at night.

This morning I got up and started my day fairly early because my back muscles and leg muscles would not allow me to stay in bed any longer, and then I lost feeling/sensation in my right hand because of holding the shovel handles and all the snow digging I did yesterday. I started to have leg cramps in the night, in bed, but they didn't materialize, and I was thankful! I was also thankful that my back was only a little sore and not out of place! My legs were sore enough this morning that I couldn't lift my leg to take my slipper off and put my snow boots on, but I just had to kick the slipper off, then bend over and pick it up. By the end of this day I was able to lift my leg enough so that I could take my slipper off as I always do!

Today I did a little business over the telephone, straightening out medical bills which went fine. I also played the piano a lot today, and I did this some as well. We watched more of NCIS, which is Naval Criminal Investigative Service. There is a lot of humor in those shows, they are habit forming, and very suspensful. It is interesting the way they banter with each other in fun, while they are doing their work. There is seldom even one bad word, so they are easier to watch than ones that have cussing in them. They get pretty gorey sometimes as they are usually based on a murder that is being investigated. That part of it I don't like, but I can tolerate it because it is true to life. There is lots of action as they are often speeding to a crime scene to investigate. They do the chase oftren, and they use their guns for protection and to stop the criminals. They have lots of scenes where the doctor is doing autopsies. That is somewhat gruesome as well, but they use a light so that the genitals can't be viewed, so it is not obscene viewing. These are more Carol's styles of shows than they are mine. I enjoy the romantic love stories and true to life comedies better, but I am enjoying watching these shows with Carol. There is a lot of drama here as well. Our granddaughter has a lot of them, and she has loaned them to us, so we watch a couple of the shows each time we eat a meal. Carol admitted that they are habit forming. It is fun and entertaining to watch them. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:01 pm

Last night, I planned that I should finish all the things i needed to do in the house then get some sleep and do some stuff on laptop. So I slept for two hours this mid morning then got up for lunch and now typing here, guess what time it is?! it is close to 1pm which is nap time. :lol:
I done nap so it is time to look something productive to do like reading the books that I borrowed. :) It is nice to get things done early because the rest of the day means relaxing times. Day is great. To God be thy glory.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 03, 2013 6:59 pm

I didn't get up really early this morning. I wrote here a little and then played the piano. We ate breakfast toast with fried eggs on them. I fed Rand tiny pieces of toast for snacks for him, and he loved that. While eating we watched more of that NCIS, and then I walked to the mailbox to get the mail. Our granddaughter tripped over a chord, then broke her computer lap top. It still works, only a small area of the monitor displays. I looked at laptops for Carol, but she didn't have her money yet, so I looked at them online for our granddaughter. Walmart, a huge store had a good one Sunday, but by this morning it was sold, and no more. I called a town between here and Wenatchee and they sold out also. I called Wenatchee, and they had one left, and I talked like a "Dutch Uncle," and they agreed to hold it for us until tomorrow at 2 p.m. when I need to go there for my doctor's appointment. Our granddaughter has her money for attending school, but it is sad she has to spend a lot of it on a laptop, but then she needs one, and we found a good one, so it will be okay.

It is too cold to get out and do anything that is not necessary, and I am not going to feel guilty for relaxing and not doing anything that productive. I will get back to work on my bathroom shortly, probably next week! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:34 am

This time it is what will your day be like? I am up, got up at 5 a.m. I usually don't get up that early because Carol doesn't get up early at all, and so I stay up late and get up late and that way I am more in sync with what Carol does. But, today I have to go see the doctor to find out my results from my recent biopsy. I am counting on good news when I get there. My appointment isn't until afternoon this time, I am going down the hill to town where our youngest daughter lives, and she and her older daughter are going with me! It takes about an hour to get down there. I will then buy 10 bags of wood pellets with which to heat our home. Through the severe part of the winter, which will last until sometime in February, probably, I will get wood pellets every time I go to town on business days. On Sundays I have to buy them elsewhere and pay more money, which I had to do last week because we only had one bag left in the house and then what was in the hopper, so we were okay, but I didn't have any choice if we wanted to be warm this last week, but to buy them there, even though they did cost a little more.

We will have fun. I will set the wood pellets on the back of our daughter's 2 1/2 ton truck, after we get back from Wenatchee I will load them back in our Van and bring them home. Normally our son-in-law comes to the mailbox with his tractor and loads whatever we have in the bucket/front end loader of his tractor, but I got word that he is very sick and came home early from work, because he did not feel like working, and they don't want him there spreading the sickness, so they usually send him home if they know that he is sick. I have two plastic toboggans in the Van, and I can put the wood pellet sacks on the toboggans and pull them in, plus whatever else I might bring home with me.

We will stop on our way in to Wenatchee at Walmart and pick up that laptop computer that I talked them into reserving for us. Then I will go see the doctor. We may go to a book store there after my doctor's appointment. I am not interested in anything in that store, becasue the only thing I would be interesed in would be old church hymn/song books, and they only carry new books and no hymn books that I would want, but our granddaughter is into books.

We will then go to Costco, a warehouse store that has everything in it that you can imagine. We will eat there, as it is very reasonable. Then we will get a package of lettuce and two or three containers of peanut butter and honey. There is one second hand store that I think is connected with a church where we like to go as they have really nice things at a very reasonable price. After that we might eat at Windy's where they play the Christian Radio Station, and then we will no doubt come home. I am sure I will be walking in from the mailbox in lthe dark on the way home, but it doesn't bother me to walk in the dark, and I will be pulling those toboggans with the wood pellets on them. It will probably require that I make at least 2 trips in from the mailbox to get everything from the Van to the house. Then I will be in the house after that where it is warm, and we will enjoy a wonderful evening. No doubt we will watch a couple of movies while we eat, and then I will play the piano and get on here part of the time. I remembered that I can get on the internet on the other computer, so Carol and I can be on at the same time. The other computer is slower than this one, and that is why we all but quit using it, but it works well enough for me. :D :D
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