I'm almost embarrassed to tell what I have done today, but here goes! We have had somewhat of a traumatic weekend with our facebook getting hacked, someone pretending to be us, causing other people trouble, and most people have been wonderful about it. One was a little short/unfriendly, but I don't think he meant to be that way. He could just see us causing him to get his information damaged, so he wrote, "Report it to facebook immediately!" A little unfriendly, but he will get over it, and he is Carol's nephew! It is okay. We will all surive. I tried twice to fix it, got a report of activity after the first attempted fix; tried to fix it again. Then I got more information, and we are not sure whether the last report was of activities before the fixes, or if he just found the activity, and assumed it had not been fixed. But after that I decided that with other people's information subject to compromise I should just permanently delete our facebook account, so that is what I did! Our account has been disabled from facebook, and it will be permanently deleted on January 20, 2013.
Today I didn't get up very early, but a couple hours or more earlier than Carol did, which would have been unbelievable a number of years ago, as she was the one getting up, and I was the one sleeping in, but I guess her health conditions require lots of sleep, because she craves it, and if she doesn't get it, she just doesn't function well, or at all.
I wrote here this morning, and searched for product compatibility between microsoft office 2003 and our granddaughter's new computer with windows 8, and I don't think it is compatible. Technology had advanced making programs that were useful just a short time ago, now not even useable!
We then had whole grain hot cakes, bacon, eggs, and milk, and what a breakfast. I started a bad habit. I fed Rand fat of the bacon right off my plate. Now he stares at me while I eat! I wonder why? We watched scome NCIS movies while we ate. I then walked the quarter of a mile to get the mail. Some of Carol's medications were in the mail, and I think she was happy about that as she was getting very low on some of them! I then was on the interent some more, slept a little, and played the piano, and it was time to eat supper. So we ate a homemade vegetable and beef stew, and was it ever good, with drinkng some milk. We then ate some raisin and nut muffins, and I ate a half bar of dark slightly sweetended chocolate bar, and drank more milk! Now I am playing the piano and doing this. I love the church songs/hymns out of that old Pentecostal song book dating back to 1902 and 1907!