Yesterday or Sunday I got up at 5 a.m. so that I would be on time, or ahead of time, rather than late. I was alone because of Carol staying down town with our youngest daughter after going to the spinning/knitting guild. After I got ready, shaving, showering, putting on clean clothes, and eating the oatmeal, raisins and milk that I made, I took Scooby and Rand down to the Van. We have to walk one quarter of a mile as long as we have so much snow. Driving down to town, Scooby licked my hand, tried to lick me in the face to tell me that he loved me, and stayed right at my arm all the way. He is a very loving doggie. Our youngest daughter put him in with her horse. Scooby and the horse are great friends and good company for each other. Scooby will stay there until spring comes when I will put up a better yard fence, and then I will bring him back home, and be very happy to have him here again!
We ate salads and pizza at pizza hut. We also went to several stores, and I looked at materials to build a better fence for Scooby. I will do that as soon as some snow melts off, and the frost goes out of the ground so that I can dig holes to set railroad ties, to attach the fence too. I am going to get number 4 wire pannels that are 4 feet tall and 12 feet long, and then I will get enough of them to go all the way around our yard. It will be a great improvement over what I have now which is wire that is too light and bends too easily. We would not have had so much trouble with Scooby getting out of the yard if it had not been for deep drifting snow over the top of the fence. The weight of the snow has bent the wires causing the fence not to be as secure. The new fence will definately be an improvement over what there is now!
Later in the afternoon/early evening, we went bowling. It was a lot of fun. I went one time when I was a in the 12th grade in high school. I went once when I was in Bible College. I went once with our kids who live here a few years ago, and now we have gone twice with our youngest daughter and her two daughters. Becasue of a horse accident many years ago, when I was 21 years old, my wrist is not really strong, so I bowl with my left hand, which works really great!
This morning we got some cat food for our daughter's new kitty, 2 pound of butter, 4 gallons of milk, 3 for us and one for our daughter, got 10 forty pound bags of pellets for our heating stove, and then we came home. I made 3 trips with 2 toboggans to pull in to the house what we were bringing home over the quarter of a mile of snow. At the end of that I have my exercise!