Moderator: youngj
edeline wrote:The things that I did after breaking up was drinking alcohol drinks and went outside trying to enjoy and forget the heartbreak but the pain was still there. Pain can't be removed at an instant. It takes so much time to forget things and to ignore the pain that I am feeling. I am not as strong as any other woman who can just forget things. When I was broken hearted, I drunk and danced together with my friends but after that incident it resulted to hang-over and I said oh wow I am the one who suffers this hang-over after what I did to myself. I then realized that drinking because of pain and so much disappointment is not a solution tothe pain. It might take away the pain once so much drunk because of unconsciousness but the day after that the pain will be back and in fact it will have an additional impact which is the hang-over. I learned so much with that experience and I said I will not do it anymore.
edeline wrote:The things that I did after breaking up was drinking alcohol drinks and went outside trying to enjoy and forget the heartbreak but the pain was still there. Pain can't be removed at an instant. It takes so much time to forget things and to ignore the pain that I am feeling. I am not as strong as any other woman who can just forget things. When I was broken hearted, I drunk and danced together with my friends but after that incident it resulted to hang-over and I said oh wow I am the one who suffers this hang-over after what I did to myself. I then realized that drinking because of pain and so much disappointment is not a solution tothe pain. It might take away the pain once so much drunk because of unconsciousness but the day after that the pain will be back and in fact it will have an additional impact which is the hang-over. I learned so much with that experience and I said I will not do it anymore.
Smiley wrote:If its a very emotional breakup don`t bother being logical for the first little while. Come to terms with the freedom (and the lonlyness).I don`t like to drink if I`m in a bad mood,If I can be cheerfull, Bring it on! When I was young pounding the crap out of some jerk in a bar somehow seemed to happen fairly often but I don`t get any satisfaction out of violence anymore. Besides ,if people can`t relax around you nobody has fun.
My best thinking,soul searching,perspective hunting,etc has always occured on a motorcycle on a country road. Second best is alone,with a pot of tea and a book or a stack of old magazines.Alone is important. Well meaning friends will try to push you into another relationship,usually way too soon.
One thing that being married taught me is that there can be worse ways to wake up than alone.
Take stock of how much time you spend thinking about the breakup, if it is more than an occasional quick thought it is time to change your perspective.A good way to do that is to take a night school course or to do some volunteer work. Preferrably something with a learning curve to it.That way you are challenging yourself and doing good for your community at the same time. A win-win situation.
Always keep in mind,no matter how much it hurts you have two choices : You can either get over it or you won`t. If you dont move on you will have to realize that nobody wants to hear you whine about it so don`t. This life is real,it is not a rehearsal.Don`t waste it being all butt-hurt that somebody that you want to be with has other plans.
Edwin wrote:Yes, what works for one, might not work for another. There are a lot of good ideas expressed here, riding the motorcycle, drinking tea and reading, or looking at magazines, taking a good class, and being alone rather than in company, and that one I think might be different for different people. I have heard about people breaking up and then picking up someone right away, they call that on the rebound, and often that is not successful!![]()
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