You were tired, huh Crisi? I got into trouble with my big dog that you see the picture of him sitting on my lap. I walked him for 90 minutes each day since last May, and it was good for him and good for me also. The first few days of January our daughter came over to our house and was mad that I was walking him. What she was mad about was that I let him pee on everything, and I thought it was funny, but boy she didn't think it was funny at all. She is a very pickly person, and I cannot believe that I raised her from a baby and that she turned out the way she did. She has a lot of good qualities, but she didn't want her friends driving in to her place and seeing all the places that my dog had peed in the snow. I let him pee on the gate post and on the mail box post, and she was furious! She thinks people will look down on her after they see all the places where my dog had peed, and let me tell you, he loves to pee.
My feelings were badly hurt, and I felt insulted and angry, but I was very careful how I talked with her because we live very close and I don't want troubles. I own the double wide, but it is on their property, and I think things will be okay, but even though she is our daughter we have to be on our guard because she can be mean. Part of the problem is that this dog came from our younger daughter, and she and our younger daughter does not get along, and so she resents her sister and anything that comes from her sister. Our younger daughter calls her the warden! It makes it hard in our family when some are fighting. They are more at peace now than they were a year or two ago though. I decided not to fight the dog walking because I was taking my college classes, and I decided that I would put my time into that even though I still wanted to walk my dog. I made a deal with Carol to talk with our daughter, so that I would not get angry talking with her about it, and the subject came up after my dog walked out of the yard because of the fense being completely drifted over with snow. He didn't bother to get out for a couple of days then he learned that he could just walk out, and he did. Anyway Carol talked with our daughter, and she does not want me to walk my dog out the lane to the mail box like I was doing before. Carol told her that I would haul him in the car or pickup the eighth mile out to the mail box and then walk him on the county road, and she said that was fine with her, so Scooby and I will be walking our 90 minutes again shortly. I had no idea that me letting Scooby pee on everything would upset her so greatly, or I could have tried to get him to refrain. Well that is the latest, and our younger daughter was up visiting and said she could tell that Scooby wanted me to take him for a walk, and why was I not walking him, so I told her this story, and she called her sister a warden again. They don't have any hostility with each other now, but it is still a little cold, especially on the part of our daughter who lives here about 500 feet from our house. So, Scooby and I will be on the road shortly, and whatever he pees on out on the county road is okay. My brother lives about 2 miles from here, and I may walk over there periodically as they like my dog. In fact my sister-in-law told me that she looked everywhere for a dog like mine and couldn't find one, so how did I end up with a dog she wanted, well I didn't ask for him either, but I really love him. Of course I am a dog lover anyway. I love all there bad habits, like listening to them bark, and I am glad they bark, because they only bark for short times, and for a good reason, like when someone is coming.