Our day started with Carol getting our granddaughter taken care of and off to the bus. They, two granddaughters walk about a quarter of a mile to meet the bus. Then I got out of bed shortly after that.
The granddaughter from the other house left her driver's education book and notebook on our dining room table!!!! She missed it, called her mom, and she called us to see if we would be willing to drive it to her, 25 miles!!!! We did.
I helped Carol take our laundry to our daughter's place 500 feet away. 3 laundry baskets in a wagon. We don't have running water yet, so we do our laundry at our daughter's place.
I came home, and decided to walk to get the mail. Carol usually does that, but since she was busy doing laundry I decided that I would walk for the mail. I took our big dog Scoobie as he loves to go. It turned out that this day is Columbus day, and also Canadian Thanksgiving, which I celebrated many years ago when I live in Canada and attended Bible College there. I actually sang in one of Billy Graham's crusuades in Vancouver, Canada with some other Bible College students that day in the Choir. Billy Graham was not there at that particular crusuade, but Cliff Barrows did the whole thing, and it was fun to be involved in that. I was 18 years old at that time. Anyway it was Columbus Day, and I went to get the mail for nothing, as the mail did not run, it being a government holiday! After getting Scoobie out for his walk, he didn't want to go back to his back yard, so I didn't fight it, but kept walking him for about an hour and a half. On my last trip toward the house Carol told me that Dianne, our daughter, wanted us to run Bessie's Driver's Education material to her, which we did. I got rearended by a high school student who was driving without paying attention. It was sad, but his family is going to bear the expenses of the repair, and we will avoid reporting it, and in that way the kid's insurance will not go up which is nice. A little bumper bump, and $700.00 worth of damage. He is going to look for a cheaper part and bring the price down to a little over $500.00 which is nice for the kid and his family.
We then went by our other daughter's house, got some of her things our of a storage that someone had broken into. Then we went grocery shoping, after which we went and at chicken at KFC. A leg and a thigh, and I brought the rest of it home for Schoobie! Then we came back home, and it was good that I walked Schoobie earlier because by the time we got home it was too late and dark to walk Schoobie! We each had a dish of icecream when we got home which tasted good. I went ahead and ate my peanut butter, honey, and drank milk. I hope I didn't exceed my food intake too much, and I did walk, so I hope it all came out even. I think I have bveen eating more, and exercising less, so I am going to need to reverse that. Maybe they will let me jog on the airplane when I fly to the Philippines! I don't think they will. I would also probably draw some atteniton as well!