What is your weather like?

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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:54 am

In this photo, the water level is up to 20 feet near the Pulangui, according to the residents of this place
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:06 am

Our city Mayor Leandro Jose H Catarata is now on TV patrol, Manila, interviewed by Noli de Castro, newscaster of TV Patrol via phone.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:42 pm

Our weather has gone crazy. Before Thanksgiving it was miserably cold, wind blowing, and several inches of snow I was walking through on my walk with the dogs. During Thanksgiving it warmed up enough so that by the 5th of December or so when we came back the ground was bare, no snow, and fairly warm, compared with what it had been. We got a little snow a couple of weeks before Christmas that mostly disappeared, but just a tiny bit of it stayed on the ground, only like quarter to half inch. Then the day after Christmas it snowed just enough to make the ground white and slick, so I wore my snow boots which I had not worn for a while. Night before last it warmed up and rained all the snow off. It stayed warm, and last night it got even warmer, raining in the middle of the night. Yesterday on my walk with the dogs I was sinking an inch or two in the mud in places. It did get a little cold during the night and froze a little thin ice on the water, but it looks like it will be warm again today. We are supposed to have cold weather, wind, and deep snow this time of the year here. People are going to be worried about the snow pack in the mountains where we get our running water in the rivers and the streams for the spring, summer, and fall. Oh well, we will get what we will get. :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:15 am

It is a little after 11:00 p.m. here, the temperature is down to freezing, and we have about 3 inches of new snow and still snowing. I am going to wait until morning to clean snow off from everything where we walk. We have to drive down to town in the morning as Carol needs to have her blood drawn to be analyzed before seeing the doctor next week, and also I am going to get a tire and tube for the little wagon I haul our house water with. We have some pretty steep hills between here and town both towns either direction, as we are at 2800 feet elevation and to get to the valley we have to drop down a quite a ways. It is always a worry pulling up the hills with snow and ice on the road. Coming from the other direction I was putting chains on the tires on a hill. I had a guy helping me. He reached through the open window, turned the front wheel, and the car started sliding backwards. I fell down, and the wheel was sliding right towards me. Our granddaughter was still in the car and put on the brake which is what stopped it from sliding, and probably saved my life, and I am thankful to the Lord for that. I only had it in park, not thinking that left the back wheels free to roll and only the front wheels locked. Since that time I put on the emergency brake in situations like that on a steep hill when I am putting chains on. That is one dangerous situation I did not see coming, and it is the only time that ever happened to me. :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:01 pm

Our weather has turned a little more winter like today. It has been overcast all day, with no sun visable. When I started on my walk you could just barely see a little bit of fine snow flakes falling. The snowing increased, but not enough to add to more than just a skiff on the ground. Now it is just a little below freezing instead of being just a little above freezing like it has been. There is not much air movement. The skiff of snow is covering the ice, so walking is more dangerous, not knowing where the ice is, but it is turning out okay, as I have not fallen down because of ice and snow yet this season. I took a fall before the snow came, and sprained my wrist slightly. I was worried about my piano playing, but it has recovered almost completely, and I have not lost any flexibility. My big dog Scooby led me over the smaller dog, Rand, and I took a horizonal dive onto the ground! The worst part was that there was a person parked at a gate about 30 feet away that saw my circus act! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:50 pm

Our day actually warmed up a bit today. Carol commented on being cold early in the day, so we built a fire in the kitchen wood cook stove. It was not very long until I turned the pellet stove on its lowest setting. Then before I went for my walk with the dogs, Carol commented about being too warm, and said she thought she would let the fire go out in the cook stove. We had just a little bit of snow last evening just before bedtime. The extra snow made it difficult to see where the ice was, but I didn't have much trouble with slick ice. Where I had walked before, each foot print was a frozen ice image of my snowboot, and everytime I would step on one of them it was slick, but not slick enough to be dangerous for falling down. A few days ago I felt like I was coming down with a cold. I don't know what happened because I really didn't get a cold, and I was happy about that. I dress pretty warm because I never know how cold it might be before I get back to the house. I wear a tee shirt, 3 more long sleeve warm shirts, and a warm coat, as well as a scarf, gloves, a stocking hat, and ear muffs. After I get back in the house for a while I get cold because my tee shirt gets really wet with sweat, each shirt closer to my skin gets a little wet, so I started changing my shirts when I get in the house, and that way I am warmer, and less apt to get sick from being too cold. It took me a while to understand that. The evaporation was cooling me off too much! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:00 pm

The weather is not good, This morning it was raining until 6am. Today, it is quite sunny day but there are still droplets, raining while sunny :o :o :o :o Quite the day did not cooperate for today's activity. So many businessmen process their respective permits at the City Hall. There, all concerned departments with their representative were there to accommodate clients and fast tract their business permit.
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:48 am

Wow, sometimes the weather just does not cooperate with what we try to do or need to do. It is strange to see it raining while the sun is shining, and that happens here also every one in a while. Here today it was fairly cold, enough to keep the frozen ice, frozen, but not cold enough to be miserable. I hauled our house water this morning using the wagon that I got a new tire for to replace the one that blew up. We got done with the water just in time to have our daughter come, and I needed to haul her around a bit; then we came back after dark, fairly late, so I missed the walk today. Some days that happens, and I will be busy until late tomorrow, at least too late to walk, but sooner or later I will be back walking again. The doggies wonder what happens when we don't go for our walk. :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:29 am

Yesterday was very cold with the wind blowing, and that is partially what made it so cold. We moved a trailer in the morning, and in the afternoon we drove back to town to take care of some things, so I missed walking the doggies yesterday. Today I did walk the dogs, and it was cold, but without the wind blowing it didn't seem that bad. It is getting colder than last night, and the present temperature at 11:00 p.m. is -9.0 Celcius. The house felt like it needed warmed a bit more we turned up the pellet stove, and burned the wood cookstove a little hotter! :D :D :D :D
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Re: What is your weather like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:25 pm

Today, this morning, it seemed really cold, but in the house it has not been that cold. I was out putting some things away in one of my reefer trailers, and it didn't seem that cold, but when I went out to saw some wood I had to come in the house a couple of times to warm my fingers and ears. The house was pretty warm because there was no wind, and then it is easy to heat the house. It is still warm at 9:30 p.m., with very little heat in the house. When I went for my walk it was fairly cold; I kept the scarf over my mouth and nose most of the time as the air was cold. Our daughter who is staying here with us started knitting hats and purses. She knitted both of her daughters hats and purses, and she knitted me a beautiful hat. It is red, with 2 shades of blue rimmed at the bottom, just beautiful, and the knitting is almost perfect! :D :D :D :D
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