I don't know why, but I always liked long hair in a woman, which excludes 90% of european women
I know that it takes more time to take care of long hair, that with hot it is just fearsome and impractical... but it is something that shows femininity and... well, cannot write here everything
Since it is becoming very rare in Europe, long hair can be considered a fashion of the past, here. But I like the old way, because it was not artificial. Just simple and pure.
In the same way, I always kept a beard, which can be considered as the counterpart of long hair for man. The beard also became very rare like long hair. When I was younger (not now, anymore), I was often receiving comments like: isn't it itchy? Don't you want to have a clean face? You look like dirty. Don't you mind, when you eat, the food dropping on your beard? You must have a really good culture of bacteria in your beard.
I was just replying that I don't have this problem of spilling the food on my beard. Maybe they don't keep it because they don't know how to control the food entering their mouth
Well, indeed I kept the beard for a religious reason, since I read in the Bible that it is the sign of the dignity of man. And I read also that a man without beard has no dignity and that it is not good to show one's face naked. So, without questioning, I took that habit. Also, most women dislike the beard... and so it becomes a good filter to recognize people with poor spirituality or acceptance of the other.
So... one's hair can tell much about a person (but in the East, where all have long hair, maybe it's more complicate
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)