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Postby stanley » Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:50 am

fely wrote:
Mr.Magoo wrote:That is so true, Fely, about relieving stress, and making a person feel better physiologically and mentally. You mention that it is only acceptable in marriage, but what is a single person supposed to do? Abstinance does sound good in theory, but it does little to relieve stress. I guess we single people just have to take matters into our own hands. hehehe :lol:

Better to suffer for a while than to suffer for eternity. Adultery is a great sin before God. It affects your family up to 4rth generation. If you can't control yourself, better marry and not be burned. Sex is not the solution for stress alone. Keep life busy.

Sex is desirable to both men and women. A need that man always wanted but sex must be treat as holy and only in marriage.
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Postby m&m » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:01 pm

One thing to show your love to someone is sex. We are created by God with sexual desire. When we abuse it, we sin. Like many people today profess to be christian but engage with other woman in sex even they are married and that is what we call adultery. Adultery is one of the greatest sin like David - in the Bible - commit adultery and his family was affected by sin. He become adulterous and murderer and suffer until to his generation.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Postby bluebird » Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:20 am

Man are created by God have sexual desire
He made it to multiply man and to enjoy pleasure
According to His set plans for us human being

Sex is the simplest thing to do in marriage
Serving and giving is the most vital ingredients in marriage
And should not be taken for granted.

Sex is not love or love is not sex.
It is not the soul component of a happy marriage
It should be done in accordance to God's plan.

If marriage is in God's plan
It is most the beautiful marriage could be
Sex indeed is so precious and desirable now
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Postby eStu » Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:00 am

I've recently turned 33, not yet married, fit and healthy (thanks be to God), so I suppose at this time in my life it's perfectly natural that I would hope for physical intimacy/sex to be a very enjoyable part of a committed relationship. I think that physical intimacy is a part of most marriage relationships that can provide a lot of pleasure for both parties and bonds partners together.

I do believe there is a distinction that can be made between sex and making love ... thought I'm not sure if those words quite sum up the difference I'm thinking of. I noticed there's a lot of people saying that it's not good to jump into bed with someone prematurely and I agree with that. I think part of the reward of making love comes from having a deep emotional bond, caring and trust shared with your partner, as it should be within marriage... and that under those conditions the physical pleasure will be heightened too.

I agree, as many posters have said, that there is a lot of risk in casual sex. As much as some people might rationalise it or apply 'modern values' I still think that ultimately casual sex is leads to degrading outcomes.

Sometimes people portray marital sex as boring, or less interesting than an affair but I disagree with that. How can people fully enjoy themselves when they're risking their health and compromising their morals in a physical encounter with someone they don't share a committed bond with and most likely aren't honest and open enough with to explore the full range of their desires and enjoyment? In my opinion there's no reason for marital sex to be pedestrian and no reason to buy into the media-driven fallacies that sinful pursuits are more rewarding.
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Postby Edwin » Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:09 am

People often justify what they want to do, but that doesn't make it right. God's way is the only right way. :) :) :) :)
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Postby bronze » Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:14 pm

I don't need to justify my actions. I only be cautious enough because i don't want to be cheated :x :x :x
Guys, be smart, don't be foolish enough to be driven by women's enticement. :? :? :?
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Postby Edwin » Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:21 pm

If the guy and the gal both love and serve God, then neither one of them will want to hurt another person, and I see safety in that. Does that make sense? I believe it to be true. It has worked that way for my wife and I. We knew each other such a short period of time before we were married that it could have been disaster, but we both loved and served the Lord, and neither one of us would have wanted to have damaged the other. We have worked together for our mutual good for 42 years. :D :D :D :D
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Postby m&m » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:44 am

Edwin wrote:If the guy and the gal both love and serve God, then neither one of them will want to hurt another person, and I see safety in that. Does that make sense? I believe it to be true. It has worked that way for my wife and I. We knew each other such a short period of time before we were married that it could have been disaster, but we both loved and served the Lord, and neither one of us would have wanted to have damaged the other. We have worked together for our mutual good for 42 years. :D :D :D :D

Yes i agree with you, Mr. Edwin. One of the lesson i always reminded is that: Marry a person whom you have the same views about religion or what you believe in. That is so important. And also when you have the same spirit it is easy to get along with with your partner. And also i realize that there is no hard in God. He will always give us what is best for us. There maybe wrong choices we made in the past but what is important that we go back to God and ask His blessing. Maintain a pure heart and He will bless us with people that will be there for us.
An intimate relationship w/ God must b our highest priority. When U hav right or poor relationship w/Him,out of that relationshp flows everything else in our life. Thus, your relationship to Him determines how you live your life. It all relates to that
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Postby Edwin » Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:16 am

m&m wrote:
Edwin wrote:If the guy and the gal both love and serve God, then neither one of them will want to hurt another person, and I see safety in that. Does that make sense? I believe it to be true. It has worked that way for my wife and I. We knew each other such a short period of time before we were married that it could have been disaster, but we both loved and served the Lord, and neither one of us would have wanted to have damaged the other. We have worked together for our mutual good for 42 years. :D :D :D :D

Yes i agree with you, Mr. Edwin. One of the lesson i always reminded is that: Marry a person whom you have the same views about religion or what you believe in. That is so important. And also when you have the same spirit it is easy to get along with with your partner. And also i realize that there is no hard in God. He will always give us what is best for us. There maybe wrong choices we made in the past but what is important that we go back to God and ask His blessing. Maintain a pure heart and He will bless us with people that will be there for us.

You are so right, m&m! :D
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Postby erwin » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:51 am

bluebird wrote:Man are created by God have sexual desire
He made it to multiply man and to enjoy pleasure
According to His set plans for us human being

Sex is the simplest thing to do in marriage
Serving and giving is the most vital ingredients in marriage
And should not be taken for granted.

Sex is not love or love is not sex.
It is not the soul component of a happy marriage
It should be done in accordance to God's plan.

If marriage is in God's plan
It is most the beautiful marriage could be
Sex indeed is so precious and desirable now

One of the indications to have a happy marriage life is lots of sex. :P :P Sex that is full of emotion and love. Love that is being express in sex is wonderful experience. I am engage to Maricel, she is very special person to me. Marriage will be in the Philippines and come over canada.
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