Love and money.

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Re: Love and money.

Postby crisipicada » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:32 pm

BigBlastGuy wrote:
crisipicada wrote:

We could sum it up like this: If aWhat if the husband do not have resources and cannot work because he become ill? Will you wife will stay with your husband?

Of course, I will. When you marry someone because of money then that is not true love. Unless she learns to love the man in the process. Love can be learned and develop in due time. It just needs time and good communication.

I will give you an example, a true story.

My senior, one time share to us about his married life. He married to a woman who has a good work, a stable job here in the City. He has no work yet, but because she accepted him, they get married and have 2 kids. He then landed a job. Therefore, not all women or filipina will marry someone because of money.

Will you love the person who provided you and treat you bad? Being controlling and seems he own you and treated you as what he wants? Married life in not about controlling or treating someone bad. It is about giving and loving, it is about developing intimate relationship, sharing life together, in good times and in bad times. I saw a lot of marriage life that the husband treat his wife badly. He treated her more than servant. Is that love? Of course not. So women, will you love that kind of guy? A western guy who have money but will treat you bad? Who will be controlling, who will not give you freedom to share your heartaches and burdens in life? Who wants to marry someone who wont have a listening heart. Okay okay, you provide resources, money, give good life. But, deep in your heart, he treated you badly.

Of course, I wont marry that kind of guy. If i will be given to choose whom to marry, a westerner who well off and have resources (money) and treat me bad, do not have listening heart, and to choose someone who is not rich and I can help him, whether he is a filipino or not, then i would choose him then. At least I do not have burden in life and can share my heart's desire.

I issue of money and love is not about loving someone because of money or loving someone because of money, but WHO WILL YOU MARRY THAT WILL TREAT YOU WELL, WILL LISTEN TO YOUR HEART'S DESIRE, WHO WILL HELP YOU TO BECOME WHO YOU ARE, WHO WILL SUPPORT YOU EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY, SPIRITUALLY...

I hope you get my point, bigblastguy. :D :D :D :D :D

Crisi, I am not discussing what you do after you marry. I am not discussing your commitment to marriage. I am discussing WHY Filipinas search for western men.

Crisi if given the choice of two men: one man treats you great loves you, you love him, he is very poor and you know you and your children will live in poverty; one man treats you great loves you you love him he has great career and resources and you know you and your children will live in nice home, good, food, money for doctors, education etc, which man do you chose?

Most women will chose the man with resources. To say women don't prefer men with resources and that resources is not a primary reason Filipinas look for a western man is just not being honest.

How pathetic life for westerner men whom their wife do not treat them well! How pitiful the life of a westerner men who is desperately wanting to find a filipina who will be devoted to him and be with him and take care of him until the end of his life because his western wife treat him as provider and if no money anymore she will leave him in despair. How miserable, depressing and lonely life could be that westerner wanted to find a filipina who will treat him well because his western wife is now happy with her life without him as the husband.

The issue here is not filipina looking for a good, loving, husband but how life a western have without a loving wife because his wife is not happy with him anymore and do not value commitment. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

His life is empty, incomplete, and how unhappy a westerner man because his wife leave the house because she does not value commitment and take forgranted the vow they have promise in the altar. How sad a life of a westerner hoping and anticipating and hoping that he can find a woman who will be devoted to him.

Thank you for the owner of the forum, jadegil6 because at least he help the lonely, sad, depressed westerner man who is eager and desiring to find a faithful woman. sad to say about the westerner man that he tries to use his money just to gain the heart of the filipina in exchange for the true love. How pathetic a westerner man who have been experiencing heartache and depression because his wife treat him as dog, just a provider. As the his westerner wife says, "I love you because you just provide me and because of your money". And the westerner man tries to find an alternative way to find true love.

Thank you for the jaderune website, that he tries to help the westerner men to find a true and genuine love.

I really appreciate the effort jaderune forum to have this site and that you are really appreciated for you effort of doing this.

Congratulations to jaderune website. Be thankful westerner people especially those who have been a victim of false love by their westerner wife.

Bravo JADERUNE. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Love and money.

Postby mystic » Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:59 pm

crisipicada wrote:How pathetic a westerner man who have been experiencing heartache and depression because his wife treat him as dog, just a provider. As the his westerner wife says, "I love you because you just provide me and because of your money". And the westerner man tries to find an alternative way to find true love.

That's only half true. There are two main issues in western society, and both come from the feminist revolution.

1. Women with little resources feel the right to exploit men. They will insist on marriage and after 3 months go to the social services, and even make on their body false bruises, to ask quickly for divorce and being maintained for the rest of their life. They are like black widow. They keep doing that until they collected enough victims that they conduct a great life without working. Unfortunately, this is no exaggeration. I worked for the public civil bureaus and I have a friend who is an official in my town of 5000 souls. He can witness that everyday an average of 3 women come and ask for the papers for separation. And please notice, only women, never a man. They seem specialized and know all the tricks to get a good monthly pay check. As I said, he witness everyday false bruises, the intervention of social services, etc. I can believe that sometimes a man can be violent, and usually more in the past. Do you see all modern men, sons of the internet era, not used to do anything, lazy to the maximum extent, all be violent? The modern generation has all defects, but I really don't believe it's a violent generation. That's just a social business. I myself was always a piece of bread. When my son was kidnapped, I was accused of tortures, abuse, "washing my genital organs over the baby bottles", and whatever you can imagine. Was I so? Not at all. Can you demonstrate it? Yes, I have all the papers from the hospital (I was indeed beaten by her, and never reacted), the municipality, the friends, etc. She only has her word. Who did they believe in the court? So, it is really just a business against men today. There is no wonder that many good western women in the west do not want marriage. They are afraid and they don't want to give the impression to their mate that they want to scam him. Over 50% today in Italy live under the "more uxorio" rule, which means living together without marriage, for that reason. And if it is not for true commitment, they just "try", avoiding all the problems of being scammed.

2. The second gender of women is the career woman. They simply think they don't need a man. Or they will exploit one just for the sake of having children, and then throw him on the road and kidnap the children. They are very independent and think they have all the rights. They are not capable of real love and know nothing about commitment. They only do what is convenient to them and where their emotion tells them to go in a certain moment. They are great destroyers of lives. This kind of woman is the most common in the west today, in my opinion. They do not know respect. As soon as the man will have a different opinion.... well, you can imagine what happens. Sometimes, this kind of woman does not look for money at all. It would be a scandal for them, who are so independent. They want to have no involvement, no debt toward a man. They keep separate bank accounts, separate everything. Even the refrigerator might have separate food, when they marry a man. Oh, yes... of course beds are separate too. Each in his/her room. I know people like this (and sometimes it works even better than a marriage based on love, lol). But most of the time, they will find the excuse to be the "victim" of something. So, it becomes allowed for them to exploit the man. This kind of woman often refers to men as "toys".

The west comes from a past in which everything was granted only to man. If a separation occurred, the children were given to the man. The woman was considered as a "whore" and avoided by everybody. So, it was the norm that a physically abused woman had to accept and keep silent. Also, women rarely could work, and were always maintained by the men.
Then, big revolution, and the situation turned completely in the opposite way. Now, the woman has everything, and man is just her toy-boy, used for sexual pleasure and sent away for every decision in a family. Oh, no, he is not really considered part of a family, really.
Very recently, general conscience starts raising, and there are many movements in the defense of men. So... I hope that eventually society will evolve in a more balanced way, and that they really analyze who is the good parent and who is the scammer.
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:24 pm

I second what Crisi said about I think it is wonderful that this site was started in the first place with it purpose, not to make a profit, but to offer a service to men and women who need to find mates. The owner of this forum has selflessly given to make this site work, and help keep it free of problems. The motto of it has been, "Freely give after you have been given." Give and it shall be given unto you. Yes, this site has been a blessing to many people since it started operating! :D :D
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:51 am

crisipicada wrote: How pathetic life for westerner men whom their wife do not treat them well! How pitiful the life of a westerner men who is desperately wanting to find a filipina who will be devoted to him and be with him and take care of him until the end of his life because his western wife treat him as provider and if no money anymore she will leave him in despair. How miserable, depressing and lonely life could be that westerner wanted to find a filipina who will treat him well because his western wife is now happy with her life without him as the husband.

The issue here is not filipina looking for a good, loving, husband but how life a western have without a loving wife because his wife is not happy with him anymore and do not value commitment. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

His life is empty, incomplete, and how unhappy a westerner man because his wife leave the house because she does not value commitment and take forgranted the vow they have promise in the altar. How sad a life of a westerner hoping and anticipating and hoping that he can find a woman who will be devoted to him.

Thank you for the owner of the forum, jadegil6 because at least he help the lonely, sad, depressed westerner man who is eager and desiring to find a faithful woman. sad to say about the westerner man that he tries to use his money just to gain the heart of the filipina in exchange for the true love. How pathetic a westerner man who have been experiencing heartache and depression because his wife treat him as dog, just a provider. As the his westerner wife says, "I love you because you just provide me and because of your money". And the westerner man tries to find an alternative way to find true love.

Thank you for the jaderune website, that he tries to help the westerner men to find a true and genuine love.

I really appreciate the effort jaderune forum to have this site and that you are really appreciated for you effort of doing this.

Congratulations to jaderune website. Be thankful westerner people especially those who have been a victim of false love by their westerner wife.

Bravo JADERUNE. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Crisi, I agree men have lots of problems with western women BUT men also have lots of problems with Filipinas. First there are many many scammers on Filipina dating sites that set western men (Kano) up and extort money. Next, if a kano can avoid all the scammers and actually marries a decent Filipina he will likely become an ATM for her family meaning always giving money. Men I know who married Filipinas all have this problem. Filipino large extended family always have emergency need for money--mother is sick, brother lost job and his children need food, someone dies etc etc and the Filipino family look to the Filipina who married the kano for money. It always seems to be just $100 for this then just $200 for that then just $50 for something else until the kano is broke! Filipinas expect their kano husband to help her family because that is the culture in the Philippines but most western men do not understand this when the marry a Filipina. These endless requests for money become a major problem.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby mystic » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:35 pm

BigBlastGuy wrote:If you want to question god given human nature maybe you and Dalai Lama discuss it with god.

Oh, no problem. As a mystic I can talk to God. I don't even need the Dalai Lama. One of my mentors was the personal chaplain of the previous Pope. He was a great priest and even met Father Pio. He was also making exorcisms, but he hated that :lol:
If you need an exorcism to be freed from all your money and know God, maybe I can help :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
"The real opposite of love is not hate, but indifference" (Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz)
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:01 pm

mystic, I shouldn't repeat this, but it kind of goes along with your offer to BigBlastGuy. His idea of true love is a filipina seeking resources from a Western man! I agree with one of your posts where you said something about not mixing love with something so corrupt as money, and I agree with you. I had a Bible College instructor in the 1960s who quoted that scripture about money being the root of all evil, and then he would say but I want a bit of the root! He was half joking and serious at the same time. We were in North Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and he rode city buses instead of owning a car, to save having to pay car expenses. He said that his transportation had two pistons; his two legs, and then he would laugh! I was young enough and active enough that I never thought about walking as a valuable for of exercise. When I started walking, I didn't do it for my health; I did it as a favor for my big dog, Scooby, who couldn't get out of the yard unless I walked him. I have been walking with him and our other doggie Rand, ever since! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Smiley » Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:10 am

Some people are totally absorbed with financial matters and some people do not care about money at all.Most of us live somewhere between the two extremes.There are filipinas that are very interested only in western guys and some that would not marry a white guy if you held a gun to her head.Most can be found between those two extremes.
It is very easy to generalize. The problem with generalization is that you may nail the extremes but you often miss the truth that is found in the middle ground where most of us live.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:07 pm

Edwin wrote:mystic, I shouldn't repeat this, but it kind of goes along with your offer to BigBlastGuy. His idea of true love is a filipina seeking resources from a Western man! I agree with one of your posts where you said something about not mixing love with something so corrupt as money, and I agree with you. I had a Bible College instructor in the 1960s who quoted that scripture about money being the root of all evil, and then he would say but I want a bit of the root! He was half joking and serious at the same time. We were in North Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and he rode city buses instead of owning a car, to save having to pay car expenses. He said that his transportation had two pistons; his two legs, and then he would laugh! I was young enough and active enough that I never thought about walking as a valuable for of exercise. When I started walking, I didn't do it for my health; I did it as a favor for my big dog, Scooby, who couldn't get out of the yard unless I walked him. I have been walking with him and our other doggie Rand, ever since! :lol: :lol:

"His idea of true love is a filipina seeking resources from a Western man"

Edwin that is not correct. I speak for myself and I do NOT believe the ""idea of true love is a filipina seeking resources from a Western man". In fact I believe quite the opposite. True love is NOT about money. Unfortunately the reason many Filipinas seek western men is for resources (money). Which means their relationship is seldom based on true love.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby BigBlastGuy » Sat Oct 27, 2012 5:20 pm

Smiley wrote:Some people are totally absorbed with financial matters and some people do not care about money at all.Most of us live somewhere between the two extremes.There are filipinas that are very interested only in western guys and some that would not marry a white guy if you held a gun to her head.Most can be found between those two extremes.
It is very easy to generalize. The problem with generalization is that you may nail the extremes but you often miss the truth that is found in the middle ground where most of us live.

"There are filipinas that are very interested only in western guys and some that would not marry a white guy if you held a gun to her head"

Possibly true if you take all filipinas in the world in to account. However.....all filipinas on english language dating sites obviously ARE looking for western men or they would not be posting their profiles on english language websites. Filipinas on english language dating sites and forums are EXTREMELY interested in marrying a white guy.
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Re: Love and money.

Postby Edwin » Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:31 pm

It is very interesting that money comes and money goes. I had a great grandfather who was wealthy until the great depression hit, and he was in danger of losing everything he had, so he shot himself. But, he didn't die right away, but with in a short period of time. Two of my mother's brothers became wealthy. One sold everything he had and played at the end of his life, in fact he died playing, roping in a rodeo, over 80 years old. The other had a son who is not well, and does not manage well, and it looks like he will lose everything. He has two sons who are not interested in their father's business. If we have enough for food, clothing, transportation, and shelter that is really all we need. :D :D
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