After church Today for me started at 5 a.m.! I get up that early so I will not be late for church, or have to rush at the last minute to try to get there on time! I get up, drink my 32 ounces of water, shave, clean my glasses, shower, and put on my church clothes! I then clean and grease my summer boots. I wear them while working, so they are showing a little wear and tare, but they look better after I clean and grease them! I then feed my doggies and pump water out of the cellar. After than we eat breakfast, and I feel good knowing that we will get to church on time without having to rush.
We have a very good pastor, but he has been in our church for 10 years, and he has decided it is time for him to move on, and we are very sad about that, because he is a good man, a good preacher, and a good pastor. But, hopefully the church will find another good man who follows God's leading.
We did have a very good church service ending with communion. Sometimes they have the grape juice and the bread at the front of the church, and everyone comes up, dips the bread in the juice, and then partakes of communion. Today they passed the communion cups out and the bread, which is supposed to be unleavened, and it wasn't, but that's okay, because I am sure God understands.
The worship team is overrun with guitars and drums. I would also be happier if they would sing some of the older church songs/hymns! They have the piano there covered up, and I would also be happier if they would uncover and play that piano! Well, its okay anyway.
We went to our youngest daughter's house and ate some vegetable and hamburger stew that Carol made in a crock pot and took down there. We then went to get some chicken feed, came home and I played the piano, and we also watched movies while we ate supper. This has been a very good day!