cecilleclemen, you are in the throws of summer, but we are just coming out of winter, and actually we should be in mid to late spring, but we have been having strange weather here. We had very warm weather for this time of the year a few weeks ago, and then we had about a week that it froze ice on the dog's water, and sometimes pretty thick ice. We had a few days of fairly warm weather, but now it is cold at night anyway, and fairly warm during the day except today was a little colder and the wind was blowing, making it feel much colder, but we still have the heating stove turned off, so it is warmer than it was.
We have been watching movies lately also. I kind of got away from watching movies, and then we found some good watching, and I guess I am hooked again! It is also more fun to watch them together, so if you can find movies that both people, or all your people enjoy that makes it more fun yet!