What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Apr 28, 2013 11:54 pm

cecilleclemen, you are in the throws of summer, but we are just coming out of winter, and actually we should be in mid to late spring, but we have been having strange weather here. We had very warm weather for this time of the year a few weeks ago, and then we had about a week that it froze ice on the dog's water, and sometimes pretty thick ice. We had a few days of fairly warm weather, but now it is cold at night anyway, and fairly warm during the day except today was a little colder and the wind was blowing, making it feel much colder, but we still have the heating stove turned off, so it is warmer than it was. :D

We have been watching movies lately also. I kind of got away from watching movies, and then we found some good watching, and I guess I am hooked again! It is also more fun to watch them together, so if you can find movies that both people, or all your people enjoy that makes it more fun yet! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:13 am

After church Today for me started at 5 a.m.! I get up that early so I will not be late for church, or have to rush at the last minute to try to get there on time! I get up, drink my 32 ounces of water, shave, clean my glasses, shower, and put on my church clothes! I then clean and grease my summer boots. I wear them while working, so they are showing a little wear and tare, but they look better after I clean and grease them! I then feed my doggies and pump water out of the cellar. After than we eat breakfast, and I feel good knowing that we will get to church on time without having to rush.

We have a very good pastor, but he has been in our church for 10 years, and he has decided it is time for him to move on, and we are very sad about that, because he is a good man, a good preacher, and a good pastor. But, hopefully the church will find another good man who follows God's leading.

We did have a very good church service ending with communion. Sometimes they have the grape juice and the bread at the front of the church, and everyone comes up, dips the bread in the juice, and then partakes of communion. Today they passed the communion cups out and the bread, which is supposed to be unleavened, and it wasn't, but that's okay, because I am sure God understands.

The worship team is overrun with guitars and drums. I would also be happier if they would sing some of the older church songs/hymns! They have the piano there covered up, and I would also be happier if they would uncover and play that piano! Well, its okay anyway.

We went to our youngest daughter's house and ate some vegetable and hamburger stew that Carol made in a crock pot and took down there. We then went to get some chicken feed, came home and I played the piano, and we also watched movies while we ate supper. This has been a very good day! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon Apr 29, 2013 2:45 am

I got tan a lot right now. Since few months ago, I enjoy planting flowers and other ornamentals at home. Also collected some fruit trees and plant them at home. That is really my one of my hobbies. I got sun burn at my back since, I wear sleeveless and short blouses. But it worth it to do such thing at home. My mother said, she loves green, that is why I started to plant since last couple of months.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 01, 2013 12:08 am

I felt like I did some work today for nothing. I figured if I set a corner post then I could go both directions from there and have it turn out okay. Before I measured incorrectly, so after setting the corner post, and digging a hole for a second post I figured out that it was not going to work. So I figured again, changed the angle of the fence just a little, losing about a foot on each side, and it should work. I was hoping for 32 feet on each side but I will be a foot or so shorter than that, but it should work. Some days are like that; you have to do your work twice! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 01, 2013 12:17 am

Yes, Crisi, green is nice, and all the colors are nice as well. That is a wonderful hobby that you have, Crisi! When I was a very young guy and worked in the field, I would wear only a tee shirt, pants and shoes, and at the first of the season I would always burn a little before browning. The year Carol and I got married I was so dark from the sun that our wedding photographer colored up our wedding photo, and he made me so dark that it upset some of my family that did not want me to be a dark man! I have Native American blood in me, so I am naturally a little darker than the average. My grandmother said that my uncle, Mom's younger brother was her Indian, and I was told that I looked like him. He was one generation closer to our full blood Indian ancestor, but I got some of that skin color. :lol: :lol:

Crisi, doesn't the fruit trees take a long time, like years before they are ready to produce fruit. I love the fruit but it seems discouraging waiting so long. We have a prune tree in our back yard, but it is not big and old enough yet to bear fruit. :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Sun May 05, 2013 3:40 pm

Crisi I am happy You have a Green thumb . Me I kill Plants as I walk by them or so it seems . I either over water a Plant or under water it ?? I am not sure which one I am doing wrong with the plants . My Day was Kinda of Bad as I missed Church Today .. I Try to go every other Sunday . I will try and Make it to evening Mass . Other wise I am having a Lazy Day .. One thing I do know is I always wear Long Sleeves when working out side as that helps cut down on the Sun Burn's.. Have a Happy Day all . And to those who celebrate it Have a Good Cinco De Mayo ..I tried to figure out How to get the Ladies address on the Other side But No Luck . Maybe Someone could tell me who to do it . :?
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Sun May 05, 2013 9:22 pm

If you are interested in getting lady's addresses from jaderune.com, then all you need to do is send an email to jaderune@hotmail.com listing the page and profile numbers of those ladies you wish to contact. Example: 123-7, 199-4, 6, 9, 255-1, 300-10, etc. No names are required, and limited to one email per day with up to 12 ladies per email.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 06, 2013 2:33 am

I get tan since I was working under the sun while am staying home during weekends, doing the planting of flowers.

I was so worried so much since my mama got sick a lot and she told me yesterday, she can't walk anymore. She got stroke in 2004 June. She become weak and sick more and more, and wanted to be with her side while she is not feeling well. I got sick lately too due to too much stress and I try to keep busy myself to forget problems in life. I can hardly eat a lot, too. But I try to eat more. Also, I have had a lot of skin problems due to stress and difficulty in breathing. So much to that, I got stress at work also.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 2:13 pm

Crisi, I am sorry about your stress and all your troubles I pray for you and your family every day! I am sorry for your Mother's continued deterioration; it is very sad. I pray that the Lord will give you strength and rest, and that He will comfort you in all of your troubles. I pray that you will be able to eat better, and that your breathing will come easier, also that you will have help from the Lord in your stress at work! :) May the Lord Bless You, and Keep You, Crisi, and cause His Face to Shine Upon you, and give you rest, strength and peace! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 06, 2013 2:17 pm

I got all my posts/railroad ties set now, 14 of them for the yard fence. I was first going to put concrete blocks under the wire panels, and then I thought, well, the rocks are almost free, why not put them under the wire panels, but our daughter who lives here close to us didn't like the rocks, so I will be putting concrete blocks under the wire panels, and that is okay. I just thought, well the rocks are here and i can get it done right away, but that's okay I will finish it easily before winter. :D :D
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