What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat May 25, 2013 12:57 am

Today I walked of course as usual. Then we watched more of "The Waltons," as John Boy got married, his wife had twins, and John and Olivia celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. They are all getting older, and Grandpa Walton died a number of years before in real life. Grandma Walton has had a stoke and doesn't look well. Olivia started teaching school, and her daughter is the principal of the school. I think the last program we watched takes us to 1964 when I was a senior in high school, 12th grade! they are fun to watch.

I slept a while sitting in my chair. When I jumped up to go to work it has started to rain, but I went out anyway wearing my winter boots. It stopped raining shortly, and I was able to work without getting wet. I finished leveling the concrete blocks. I put Scooby in the house, and he is really good, and Carol loves him! I took down most of the old fence, and I put up 7 fence panels, leaving 6 needing to be put up to complete the fence. I need to haul 2 more loads of blocks, then I will have enough blocks to finish the fence. I rolled up most of the wire from the old fence and hooked it to the end of the new fence. Then Carol and Scooby came out to look at the fence. Scooby knew it was difference, and he kept walking the fence and looking at it! It was kind of funny! :) :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 27, 2013 7:51 pm

I arrived in the office at exactly 8:07am. While on the way to work from the barrio, the rain pour out from heaven. I got so much dirt on my pants and so much mud on it. So sad but it is life and it needs to adjust... I am learning more to be patient and to change my heart's attitude in every situation that God allow me. No matter what happens, I understand, that to be thankful to the Lord is important. :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed May 29, 2013 12:34 am

Yes, Crisi, it is hard, but the Lord is pleased with your attitude! The apostle Paul said, "I have learned in whatever state I am in to be therewith content! It is not easy, but God is with us to guide, protect, and comfort! :)

I brought back 33 concrete blocks Sunday, and I laid them out on the ground to get the weight off our Van, but Carol said that I should not work on Sunday, and I completely agreed with her, so Monday late afternoon we brought Scooby in the house, where he is always a good boy, and I finished 3 more 16 foot sections of the back yard fence! When I do that much more, the yard fence will be completed which will be nice. It is strong, it is straight, and looks nice, and it will hold the doggie fine. He looks it all over every time I do more work on it. He tried poking his head through the larger squares, but it is secure for him, and he likes it! When we leave for the day, our doggie will be less likely to get out, and he was never bad to get out, as he is perfectly happy in that large yard. Winter with the snow drifting was the only problem, actually 2 problems, one it drifts so high that the fence is completely buried in snow, and two, the snow mashed the wire down, but this wire I put up is strong enough it will not mash down, and the snow will have to drift 6 feet deep to bury the fence, so it will be a good feeling next Monday when I have that yard fence completed! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Wed May 29, 2013 1:26 pm

Today I was moody, nervous, and things did not go quite well. But so many strange things happened that, at the end of the day, I felt laughing, so funny it was. The last funny thing of the day happened while trying to cook pizza for dinner. Half part of the house all at once was without electricity. It was the half with the oven, of course, and the refrigerator. Went quick to check all controls, but they were all working correctly. So, it was becoming a disaster-like situation. The food in the refrigerator would have spoiled quickly, and I could not find the cause of the failure. I started to think that a wire cooked inside the wall, because of the oven.
So, it was already night and the shops were almost all closed. While a neighbor was cooking my pizza, luckily a shop owner who received the call just before leaving, decided to come. Result... one cable of the main power of the house was disconnected. I don't think it happens by chance, but who did that? Very strange thing. Fortunately, the electrician was very honest and charged very little :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 30, 2013 12:38 am

A couple of years ago while I was out walking, Carol was cooking something in the oven, and the oven started sparking with the electrical shorting out noise. It was quite scary for her! Finally it caught fire inside the oven. My bright son-in-laws paneled over the braker box, so one of them came over and had to take the wall apart while there was a fire burning inside the oven! He cut a hole in the panel, so now we can get at the breaker box without taking the wall apart, which is amazing, and a lot handier! They must not know anything about electrical codes to have done that! My brother-in-law who was still alive at that time laughed and said that Aunt Marie was coming back from the dead in her anger! We thought that was pretty funny! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu May 30, 2013 12:51 am

For the first time in my life, shortage of 900 php of my collection. I might be able to give 1000 instead of 100 as change. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 30, 2013 5:01 pm

I'm sorry, Crisi, about your collection shortage! Carol dealt with that while she was cashier at a pharmacy store. She had a really hard time keeping her till right on where it was supposed to be. Some people have no problems with it, but Carol did.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Smiley » Thu May 30, 2013 6:29 pm

Whenever we take a break at work,which is in itself a rarity,someone will always come up with an idea which means more work to do.
The stroke of genius this week involves taking down a couple cement block walls to increase our showroom capacity.As I was taking the blocks down,and wondering where I was going to put them,the thought crossed my mind that while Edwin is in need of blocks I`m stuck with aprox390 blocks in good condition and about 40 broken but usable.And more next week when two more walls will come down.Sorry man,but I just can`t justify that long of a drive to bring them out your way. :lol:
I have called around and offered them free to several people but so far have no takers.
Something cool: inside the first wall I found a keyring with a Ford key on it.The wall was put up in the '40s, I wonder how long this poor guy looked for his truck key. ;)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 30, 2013 10:09 pm

Yes, Smiley, I would love to have those blocks because after my fence is complete, Carol wants me to build another set of block steps at the back sliding glass door, which takes about 45 or so blocks! You would not guess that it would take that many blocks! Then I have been toying with the idea of putting up some kind of a quick structure to store garbage in somewhere outside the house. I am thinking of making it 8 feet wide, that way I can use railroad ties for the roof! then how deep I will make it depends on where I put it. On the north I don't have that much room, so we shall see. I like concrete blocks for various kinds of construction. I found out last winter that those blocks with the plastic behind them made the under side of our house safe from freezing, not fresh water pipe freezeups, not drain, trap freezeups, and we didn't have fresh running water the winter before, but every winter we have been here except this last winter we have had our drain traps freezeup, so I am really happy with those blocks around our house! I like them under the fence also. They keep the wire panels off the ground, no wire deterioration, and give my fence 8 inches more height! So, I like blocks! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu May 30, 2013 10:19 pm

For more than 2 weeks I walked really early in the day because it was hot. Well, it cooled off, so now for about 2 weeks I have not been trying to walk early, as part of the time it has even been cold. One day I wore my coat, but it rained me out, and I have to quit walking after one mile because I didn't want to get wet! Sunday of course we went to church and also to our family reunion, so I didn't get to walk that day. Today it sprinkled rain on me, but not enough to get me wet, which made me happy.

We tried to watch 2 movies this evening, but one was extemenly boring, so off it went. Then another started off with gay scenes, so off it went! We thought we would have trouble finishing the movies that we have left, but here we are, early evening and no movies to watch! It is okay, because we have almost been over stressed with movies!

I mowed our back yard, and also out where my reefer trailers, and travel trailers, old van and utility trailer are. The old lawn mower uses lots of oil, but it is just dry land growing grass and weeds, so I don't have to mow that many times during the summer. It really does look nice after I finish. I left the rhye grass clumps, and some camimile plants as well. I like a few things growing, then it is more obvious that I did mow!

This is not a holidy, but the mail did not come today. I will call the post office tomorrow and find out what the problem was with our mail delivery. It is not a big deal, but I am just curious. What do they say? Rain, snow, hail, the mail must go through! :D :D
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