What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:48 am

Woke up early around 3am but went back to sleep around 5am and got up from bed around 8am. My daughters all of a sudden just acting conservative, covering my legs etc. I asked why...mommy it is ewwww we don't want anyone to see your thighs lol.
I thought i stopped being matchmaker. When my husband called me first time this morning i caught him talking to a co worker at work. Co worker wants to date a Filipina he wants to marry a Filipina. Now i gotta find him one if nobody i know in PI can help me will let him find one here. :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:37 pm

Red I think all Ladies want to see Men Married . Edwin If smiley has your blocks just have Him send them to You :D .. That way You could finish the Fence and the Back steps and have a lot of Bricks left over . Me I am taking it easy today . It will be over 100 degrees here so I plan on Doing Nothing . I am Very good at Doing Nothing and fishing for trout . I think all guys Like to Fish . It Gets them out of the " Honey Do's " :o .. Have a good day everyone
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:30 am

This morning we went to the Library just walking from house. I missed walking. It is a good exercise. Day is not over yet will make spaghetti for dinner and do laundry this afternoon. It is a hectic day already and yet I got time to check on here... :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:26 pm

Red, at that library do they have movies you can check out? You should look into that! Yes, Red, Carol's brother told her that walking would do her more good than a whole hand full of pills she would take, of course he is dead now, and Carol would rather take a whole hand full of pills than to have to walk, but I agree with her brother! I walk every chance I get, 6.5 miles each time. For 2 weeks while Carol was gone I got up early and walked every day starting a 8 a.m., but then it turned cool, even cold, and I went to walking later because of that. Yesterday when I stopped to give the doggies water, Scooby laid down, and he never lays down when we are walking, so that was my cue that he was hot and tired. Our weather has taken a turn towards hot again, so this morning I got up a 6 a.m. and I was walking by 7 a.m., and Scooby was fine. He can't take the heat! So we had a good walk, and we got back, finished our walk before I normally start walking, but when it gets hot that is what I need to do. The funny thing is that when we got back it clouded over, the wind blew, and I actually put on a light coat in the house, but it is now 82 degrees F. in the house, and I am on the verge of being too warm. My sister gave me 2 large airconditioners, and I don't know whether or not either one of them works, but I will find out soon! The heat really bothers Carol! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jun 06, 2013 5:04 pm

red wrote:Woke up early around 3am but went back to sleep around 5am and got up from bed around 8am. My daughters all of a sudden just acting conservative, covering my legs etc. I asked why...mommy it is ewwww we don't want anyone to see your thighs lol.
I thought i stopped being matchmaker. When my husband called me first time this morning i caught him talking to a co worker at work. Co worker wants to date a Filipina he wants to marry a Filipina. Now i gotta find him one if nobody i know in PI can help me will let him find one here. :D

Red, when you get bucked off a horse, you get right back on and ride again! I know you had a bad experience with your aunt and that guy that was not nice to her, but I am glad that you are not giving up on the match making, because you are good at it, and you have more successes than failures! If I were needing a wife, I would get hold of you, and ask, "Red, can you find me a wife?" So, I am glad you are not giving up, and you make some people very happy, and do a lot of good at it! It is not your fault when things go sour because we are all humans, and we all make mistakes. We can't know everyone as well as we would like, so we are taking chances, and we all know there are risks, but if we are to gain, we must be willing to take risks! So, Red, thank you for what you do! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:12 am

This was the Sunday that we were able to attend church, and it was really nice to be in church. The day started very early as I get up really early each Sunday morning so that we will have no problems getting to church on time. Our church is in between pastors, so they are having guests come in to take charge. This morning I looked at the guy who was filling in, and I thought, "Man, they really got an old guy to come fill in at church this morning." So, he told us his age, and it turns out that the guy is one year younger than I am, so he wasn't so old after all!!!! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:41 am

Edwin wrote:
red wrote:Woke up early around 3am but went back to sleep around 5am and got up from bed around 8am. My daughters all of a sudden just acting conservative, covering my legs etc. I asked why...mommy it is ewwww we don't want anyone to see your thighs lol.
I thought i stopped being matchmaker. When my husband called me first time this morning i caught him talking to a co worker at work. Co worker wants to date a Filipina he wants to marry a Filipina. Now i gotta find him one if nobody i know in PI can help me will let him find one here. :D

Red, when you get bucked off a horse, you get right back on and ride again! I know you had a bad experience with your aunt and that guy that was not nice to her, but I am glad that you are not giving up on the match making, because you are good at it, and you have more successes than failures! If I were needing a wife, I would get hold of you, and ask, "Red, can you find me a wife?" So, I am glad you are not giving up, and you make some people very happy, and do a lot of good at it! It is not your fault when things go sour because we are all humans, and we all make mistakes. We can't know everyone as well as we would like, so we are taking chances, and we all know there are risks, but if we are to gain, we must be willing to take risks! So, Red, thank you for what you do! :D :D

Hey sir Ed, I think some people are good at it. Mind you i got some failures too. It is up to the person am helping be successful on relationship. I am happy to know those that are tied forever and sad to those that did not work out. But it is out of my control. I don't want to meddle in somebody's love affair. he he

Anyway, I have a cousin who is a male filipino looking for an american woman. He is of my age and almost same birthday too. His name is Tomasito. I wonder if Sir Michael has any room for male Filipinos here. hehe
Weather here not looking good reminds me of Malaybalay raining almost everyday there. I miss the muddy road and walking under the rain til we reach the highway. :)
I don't mind having this kind of weather here we are used to it as long as we are staying in the house...ha ha...not good when you are driving though. So careful on the road. I think I am gonna make a hot choco for the girls and snuggle on the couch. Is there a typhoon going on...I am not updated of news here. :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:14 pm

You are completely correct Red; you do what you can, and then it is up to the couple involved! I don't know that many people or I would be glad to help out. I have been asked several times, and it makes me feel badly that I can't help, but we live far away from everyone, and we have very few friends. I know a few people that I would not recommend because of their history, but if I knew someone that I thought would be reliable I would be glad to help.

Yes, Red, Sir Michael takes males and lists the profiles as well as females, so the process is the same, and just think of all the females that will be looking at those few males!

Yes, Red, driving in hard raining conditions can be very dangerous. Anyone driving in such conditions needs to slow down, and watch for the water on the road. Water builds on the road in low spots and forms little lakes. Then if you hit those at high speeds you could lose control, and it is called hydroplaning. You can't steer, for the car is just like a boat in such conditions only you have very little control as your car gets whipped around on the road, and it can go in any direction, sideways, going into a spin, so slow down and watch for those water spots! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby wayne208 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:28 pm

I have tried more then once to be a match Maker .. I have never had any Luck with the couples . Sometimes the people just change and there is nothing anyone can do about it .. Good Luck Red Maybe You can help them . But I tend to agree with Edwin .. Sometimes the Couples have to want to make it work .
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:12 pm

Actually, I stopped accepting men's profiles and deleted all those I had published on September 1, 2012, so I would not be able to help the gentleman.

It seems to me that many filipinas are matchmakers. I have three close filipina friends in the US, and all of them are constantly trying to match me with some of their friends or relatives in the Philippines. I just have no interest in pursuing that. Maybe I will 'broaden' my horizons after I move there.
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