What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:56 pm

I never do set the alarm to wake up anymore since I don't have to go anywhere or do anything except what I want. I do set the alarm on Sundays for 5:00 a.m., because to sleep in on Sundays would be a tragedy. Even without setting the alarm I wake up anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30 a.m. This morning I woke up at 5:40 a.m., so I guess I was tired! I was still walking by 6:40 or so, and this morning I got all 6.5 miles of walking in. Yesterday I had to return to use the bathroom, and then just as I walked in the house the storm hit, so I would have been wet and miserable if I had not come to the house to use the bathroom. After the storm cleared and we ate breakfast and watched a Western, I went ahead and walked, but it was already too hot for Scooby, so I only got in 4.5 miles of walking. As I started the last 2 miles Scooby just stood in the road and stared at me. I got the message. He was saying, "You go ahead and walk, but I am staying right here!" Well, we went right directly to the house, because I have seem him hot and tired before, and I will not push him to walk further when he gets that way. The heat and lack of water made him sick once, so now I carry water for him, but he just can't walk after mid morning, because he is a cold weather doggie, and can't take the heat. He digs him a whole in his yard, so he can sit in the cool dirt and in the shade. He also loves to sit under the shade of the rose bush. Rand tried to get Scooby to play with him his morning, but he was enjoying sitting under the rose bush, and he would not get up to play with Rand, even though Rand kept barking at him! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby crisipicada » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:36 pm

My day is so good. I have a lot of people met but I am not really stress. I realize, it is about the attitude that you show towards them.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:17 pm

Crisi, you do well meeting the public. You know how to disarm ones that are ready to fight. You know how to give a soft answer and turn away their wrath. It is very good to have a person like you in your position meeting with and dealing with the public.

I guess I was tired this morning. I slept until 5:40 a.m. I woke up before 5 a.m., and I should have gotten out of bed then, but I thought to myself, that I needed a few more minutes of sleep, but I should have just gotten up then even if it was before 5 a.m. I got out to walking a little before 7 a.m., and I realize when it is this hot I can't be any later than that. My doggie, Scooby, acted like he didn't want to walk that last 2 miles. I was careful not to push him too hard, and I made sure he had a good drink of water, so he made it fine, but then I wish I had gotten up before 5 a.m., and gotten started walking by 6 a.m. Oh well, but I can't be any later than that as long as it is this hot! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:24 am

This morning i did wake up about 5 a.m., got my face washing, and shaving finished early. I was out walking just a few minutes after 6 a.m. When I can get out that early then the walking goes better. Yesterday morning I was about an hour later than that, and when I was doing the last 2 miles, I was not sure Scooby was going to make it, because he didn't act like he wanted to start that last 2 miles, and the walking was slow as he was already hot and tired, inspite of me giving him water to drink and rest breaks. Just a little hot is too hot for him. This morning he was glad to be walking, and he walked fairly fast all the way. He did want to stop, smell, and pee. He has a terrific nose on him, and when he smells a rodent, he heads for the direction of the scent! We lose a little time with his extra activities, but that is okay! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:58 pm

This was a very good day! I got up at 5 a.m., got ready to go down the hill to attend church. We stopped at our youngest daughter's place, as we always do, and Praise the Lord, our granddaughter said that she wanted to go to church with us! The Lord is answering our prayers! Now if our daughter will just go with us too as she did about a years and more ago! We left two of our doggies with her, Rand and Ducky. Sometime while we were at church, coming or going, our granddaughter saw a post of facebook from her Mom, saying that our larger doggie peed on our smaller doggie. She cleaned him up, and thought it was kind of funny,which it was. When I am out walking sometimes Scooby lifts his leg and Rand is standing too close, and being smaller he is below, so he catches a little, but Rand is pretty fast when he feels a shot of pee hit him! hahahahahahaha We got dog food, food for our dinner, eye vitamins for me, and I was shocked at how much money we spent! :roll: :o Our daughter cooked a wonderful dinner of pork chops, macaronie salad, watermelon, and it was good! We watched this true documentary of the Mormon family. The guy had 4 wives, and they had to move from Ohio to Nevada to keep from getting put in jail, as it is a criminal offense in some states, while others don't enforce the one man, one woman law. It was quite interesting that one of his brothers had 2 wives, and about 18 kids. One of the brothers married a lady from a Christian church, and they don't follow that belief of multiple wives. His first wife only had one child with him, and his other wives each had a number of children, so they ended up with a quite a large family. From the statements that were being made I see two problems with pologamy. For one thing with multiple wives and many children it gets difficult to have enough money to keep everything paid for. They were trying to get 4 house, one for each wife, right next to each other, so they could all live close, and the husband wouldn't have to go far to visit each one of his wives and children. There was quite a bit of jealousy also between the wives. The younger wives were resentful about the older wife wanting a larger house with only one son. One of the other wives didn't feel well accepted by one of the other wives, and some of them admitted being jealous. It didn't appear to be happy situation for all of them. I would not want to have more than one wife, even if I could get by with it! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:11 am

Our day didn't start off really hot, but it got that way through the day. It was 106 degrees F. at 8 p.m. in the Valley where we were before we came home. I got some milk for us to drink, and then I went and got 33 more concrete blocks! I think they think at the store that I will be buying concrete blocks forever. My block projects are coming to an end though, and now all I have left to do is to put up a small room to put our garbage in, and then I don't think I will need to get more blocks for a while, until I think of something else I need blocks for. I think I am going to leave the pallets at the back for landing/steps, but if I change my mind and decide to build steps, it will take 32 blocks! When we got home I unloaded the blocks, then we ate watermelon, and toast, which watching some of Jackie Chan; too much fighting, but there is a lot of humor in it! :D :D
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:43 am

I wish I could sleep better. Instead... two days ago, a sleepless night. Yesterday I had a good calm day, but... sleep did not want to kick in again. Oh, I think I found out the reason. It's sooooooo hot. I'm really feeling comfortable, but maybe it's only an appearance. Probably my body is suffering and then I cannot sleep. I wonder how to do.
Tonight I'll have a chance to sleep in a different and cooler place. So... let's see what happens :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby Edwin » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:12 pm

Mystic it is miserable when you can't sleep because it is hot all night long. Where we used to live there were rock cliffs, and the rocks would absorb heat during the day, and then those rocks would radiate that heat at night, and often it was just as hot at night as it was during the day! I have trouble sleeping if it is too hot during the night. Then if something is bothering me, or I am excited about something that can take my sleep also! Carol couldn't sleep last night, so she got up and ate something. That helped her go to sleep, but it also elevated her blood glucose level! I guess when you are in love, you don't sleep well at night! We could go sleep in our cellar if it were not so hard to get there. We have to crawl under the house to get to the cellar. Someday I will have an entry way dug in from the other side of the house, then we will simply be able to walk down into the cellar! :lol: :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:32 am

It is a painful day since yesterday. I woke up with a pain under my left chest. I think it is the rib that is being bruised from that accident happened few nights ago. At least it is not as painful as yesterday. I had to complain yesterday to my little girl told her to pick up all her toys on the floor. She was hesitant but when i told her im dying from pain..i was expecting she would act right away instead she said "mommy you are just accttinnnnngg" i got pissed. So she earned a time out on the wall.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby mystic » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:56 pm

Oh, it seems that this thread is becoming where we post misadventures :D :D :D

So, during the weekend I went to the sea, the first time in maybe 10 years. Since I was a "sea animal" once (liked to swim, go on the windsurf, etc.)... I felt very natural to swim. As soon as I touched the water, I didn't feel intimidated or cautious. I swam for almost 400 meters, and another 400 back to the shore. Since I suffered of sciatica the last 2 years, it was very good that I could have some motion, because I had to keep my spine very rigid for such a long time.

So, I swam on Saturday, and wanted to repeat on Sunday. But... since it was the last day... I thought that I wanted to do all the little silly things that I did when I was young, such as pirouettes in the water, etc. Ohhhh, well, started with one, which came out very well. It made me remember that I have to breathe quickly out the air when I turn upside down, unless the water enters the lungs. The second one, I was too close to the surface and lost control on a side. Third one, I thought there was nothing more to remember, and I did it well.

Fourth one... I remember I was doing up to 5 pirouettes all in one time. So, why not to try 3? That said, I did. But... I didn't calculate well the distance with the bottom of the sea. So, at the third pirouette I went straight to hit my head on the bottom. The first moment, when sand was in my face and entered my mouth, I thought: Oh well, not so bad, fortunately I didn't hit strong. But in the water you never know. A moment later, all the weight of my body arrived on my face. Result, I could almost not move my neck.

Since yesterday, taking a medicine, I'm feeling pretty well again. Only, it makes me sleep a looooot. Well, that's fine, so I recover energies. Overall, it was fun and I'm feeling ok :D
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