Well, Crisi, Bigblastguy seems to have a 2 track mind. Those tracks are number one, filipinas are after western guys only for the resources or the money they get from them. I don't know what his past and experiences are, but for some reason he seems to be angry about that, so he harps on and on about it, and we are all sick and tired of listening to what he is saying, but he continues on. The other thing is, babies, babies, babies. He thinks that filipina's are obsessed with having babies, and will do anything to have babies, and especially with western guys. I guess he can't find a filipina who will love him unless he has a baby with that filipina.
Bigblastguy refuses to answer mystic's questions for him. They are:
"I should also ask you, what are your sources about filipino culture? Do you live there? Do you have a filipino wife? And don't tell me please that you chatted with this and that, or that the son of the butcher told the baker that filipinas are after money. That's not a proof. In what subject is your degree? What kind of studies did you do? Did you ever make abuse of any substance in your life? How many times did you marry? Do you have a job?
It would help to answer those questions to understand better why you are so sure of your ideas, coz until now what you said didn't make sense.
One of my teachers was used to say: if you don't really have something important to say, better silence. Even silence is part of music." Quote by mystic
Bigblastguy did admit that he made poor choices of words in his posts and he changed his wording from "all filipinas" to the phrase "most filipinas." He was still wrong.
Bigblastguy still won't admit that he said that pure love is filipinas looking for western guys for resources, but that is exactly what he said, and I quoted him saying that several times. Now he is accusing me of taking him out of context, but that was the context. Now he can't find his post where he wrote that, and so now he is accusing me of making that up, but I will help Bigblastguy find that, and then he should apologize to all the filipinas that he has been insulting!
"To say a Filipina searching for a western man is not searching for resources is to to ignore or misunderstand the basis of pure love." Quote by BigBlastGuy
If you are reading this Bigblastguy, this was taken from your post of October 22, 2012 at 3:32 p.m. If you take a good look at your post Bigblastguy, you will see that I have not taken what you said out of context.
Bigblastguy, your entire paragraph was:
"In the Philippines the woman who mistakes feelings for true love will likely join millions of other Filipinas in a nipa house or a slum wondering how she will find food clothing and shelter for herself and her children. She follows her feeling to destruction. A truly spiritual woman uses the mind god gave her to make a conscious decision to find a man capable of providing resources. If that man is not available in the Philippines she looks elsewhere. To say a Filipina searching for a western man is not searching for resources is to to ignore or misunderstand the basis of pure love." Quote by BigBlastGuy
I think, Bigblastguy, everyone on this forum knows what you are saying.