What was your day like?

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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:22 pm

i had a bad day . :cry:
when i woke early in the morning my headache starts its really feel bad i cant start working my chores
all i wanted is to sleep and get rid of this headache. i drank medicine but it cant relieve the pain. :x
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Nov 22, 2013 6:42 pm

Wish I knew some quick fix for a headache, and something that would make you feel better. Sometimes I wake up with a splitting headache because of the position of my head or neck as I sleep. I usually avoid pain pills, but sometimes when the pain is too much to deal with, i will take one. I take an aspirin every day for stroke prevention, and I normally take that in the morning, so I start with that. If after an hour, my head is still aching, then I might take a pain pill.

Today a cold front came through, and it has been raining and chilly. All of the work I have is outdoors work, so if it rains, that means I lose the day of work. So today I just rested to give my injured leg a chance to heal, and I watched the newest Star Trek movie. Tonight I will listen to my high school's football game on the radio. My old high school is in the second week of playoffs, and so far this year they are undefeated. I am hoping they can win State this year. I played on an American football team that won back to back State Championships, and during my junior year, the school was given the name "Home of Champions" by the Oklahoma state legislature because we won State in all 5 major sports that year. (Football, basketball, track, tennis, and baseball) We are the only school in the history of Oklahoma to ever do that. My best friend moved to Texas at the same time I did, and he and I played side-by-side on the football team. We have been known to make the 8 hour drive back to Lawton to watch a high school football game, and to give moral support to the boys who represent our school as athletes. He wanted to go for tonight's game, but I couldn't make it. Now I am glad of that because there is a mixture of sleet and rain tonight, and it would have been miserable sitting in that wet cold for 3 to 4 hours to see a game. :lol:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:04 pm

As it turned out, the football game got postponed to Saturday at noon due to an ice storm. i went over to my old friend's house on Saturday, and we listened to it on the radio. Our team lost, and that ended their bid at a State Championship. It hasn't been a good year for my favorite teams. There is always next year, and I can still enjoy the contests between other competitors, but there is not as much excitement or enjoyment as there is when one's favorite team comes out on top.
Today is Sunday, and I went to my church as I usually do on Sunday mornings. I attend Hyde Park Baptist Church, which is part of the Southern Baptist Convention. When I was in the Philippines, I found one church that was similar to the Southern Baptist churches, and that was the First Baptist Church of Manila. I went to a couple of other Baptist churches in Cebu (Bible Baptist), but they were nothing like the churches I have always attended, and I could not see myself as being a member of those churches. I guess that when I move there, and if I don't find a church that I like, then I can worship by watching Hyde Park services on the internet.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Mon Nov 25, 2013 1:20 am

my headache was gone but now toothache comes along huhuhuh :cry: :cry:
now it 2nd day and its does hurt so much....

about the football game when i was young i really enjoy watching it but now theres no time to that..
yeah thats right sir michael theres always a next year maybe they are not lucky this time. :(
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:29 pm

It is a cold and rainy day here, with temperatures only a degree or two above freezing. At least we aren't having an ice storm which can really cause a lot of damages. When we have those, then the power lines and tree limbs get covered in ice, and so many will break and fall which causes power outages. The falling tree limbs can damage cars and roofs, too. That has happened here several times in the past, and I am glad we missed out on that this time.
Tonight around 6 PM, my daughter is coming in on the Amtrak train. I haven't seen her since Christmas, so it will be great to see her again. She and I will spend a few hours together, and then her mother will pick her up, and take her to her house which is about 50 km from me. I hope to see her a little while she is around, but I do have work on Tuesday and Wednesday. I think she and I are going to have a Thanksgiving Dinner at our church on Tuesday night. She goes back home on Thursday night. Her husband is driving in late Wednesday night, and they will go back together coz they both have to work on Friday.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:27 pm

I had a hard day. I woke up at 4:30 this morning, and decided to go ahead and get up. I haven't worked for 4 days because of the bad weather. It was right at the freezing temperature when I started working, and the wind was blowing in gusts, and it was super cold. I worked 8 hours, and then came home to clean up because I had a date with my daughter for supper. Our church had a Thanksgiving fellowship tonight, and they served the turkey and dressing meal. There were some praise songs, and then our pastor gave a brief sermon. After the dinner and service, I took my daughter shopping to look for a new winter coat for her. The first 2 places we looked, she didn't find anything she liked, but when we got to Old Navy, she found a coat she liked, and she got a few other items, and then our shopping was done. Then I took her for a drive around the new development that is being built close to my house, and then we met her mother so they could drive back out to her house which is about 50 km from Austin. I won't get to see her again this holiday. I am not sure when we will have another opportunity to see one another, but I hope it won't be too long.
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:32 am

im happy for you sir michael even a little time you got bonding with your daughter. :)

im staying at home for 2 days. i was tired fixing my room and do some laundry and house chores at home. and most of all toke care of my little one.
yesterday i dont have time to read messages here at jade rune forum because of busy day.

ill keep my self busy all the time so it wont remind me for my past. :(
hoping for the time can heal all the pain will be gone and can move on. :(
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby red » Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:21 pm

I was looking for some sale online. Black Friday starts later today. Don't like going out because it is cold plus my younger one is not feeling well. It is the season of sickness. We did not have thanksgiving dinner today that is kinda disappointment as husband is working til Friday. But will have late celebration on weekend. This is a good day to shop for Christmas gifts though. Anyway, Happy thanksgiving everyone :)
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby cheryz » Thu Nov 28, 2013 7:37 pm

happy thanks giving red :D

after a busy and tiring day yesterday, now i feel sick all i wanted is a hug from my pillow :D
my body was sooo exhausted but i have to get up and do my laundry again..
later i will take a nap after my laundry. :roll:
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Re: What was your day like?

Postby jadegil6 » Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:35 pm

I took off work for Thanksgiving, and I just stayed at home where it is warm coz it is very cold out. I watched a little of the Macy's Day Parade, which has been on TV every Thanksgiving since I was a child. Then came some football. Yippie!!! I did not care for the first game, so I logged into Netflix, and watched a movie (Skyfall). Then it was time for the Dallas Cowboy's game, and I watched that. I have been a Cowboy's fan since they started as a team.. Then it was time for my Texas Longhorns playing against Texas Tech. I don't have cable, so I watched it on the internet, but the game dragged on so long that the time allotted for it on the internet site was not long enough, so the screen went black. I had to listen to the 4th quarter on the radio. I was pleased that my Horns won.
Today I worked again, and will do so again tomorrow. Tonight I also did my laundry, but it isn't so hard coz I have a washer and dryer...much easier than doing it by hand. :)
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