I had a busy day...this 24th day of December. I worked until 3 PM, and then stopped by the grocery store on the way home...Wowee! It was so crowded.
Then I stopped by MoneyGram , and then by the Dollar Store to get some bows to put on the packages I had wrapped for my daughter and her hubby.
Then home to shower, and off to the church for the Christmas Eve service. My daughter and her hubby came into town for 3 days, and they met me there at the church. Afterwards, we went to a nice restaurant to eat. We sat for a long time, conversing and enjoying each other's company. We exchanged small gifts, and then they took me back to my truck. They are staying at her mom's house in another town about 50 km from me. We made plans for Thursday, so we can spend the day together doing things like going to the new Aquarium that just opened on Sunday, and checking out the new exhibit at the State Museum. We might take in a movie on the big screen if there is time. They have to drive back to north Texas on Thursday night. It was so nice being around them for the short time we had.