We didn't have a real winter here this season, but I also like you, Smiley, am ready for spring. Where we live it is still freezing ice at night, and we have been getting snow during the night on several nights. We have a pellet stove which I could burn hotter than I do, but especially now I am trying to make the last few bags of pellets that I have last as long as possible, so that the bill will not come due until next month. In a few days the cutoff for billing will happen, and then if I get them I will not have to pay for them until the first of May instead of the first of April. I will get a ton of them which I think is 50 bags, each bag weighing 40 pounds. They come from Penticton, B.C., Canada. If the wind is not blowing the house is not that cold lately as it warms up during the day. The day that it was the coldest I split some firewood, but I made the mistake of splitting wood right off the ground, and it was moist because of being on the ground, and then I had a hard time getting it to burn. I keep the house cooler than most people do, and then we wear light coats for sweaters in the house. That way I burn fewer pellets, and it doesn't cost as much to heat the house. It is funny because during the winter Carol wants the house to be 70 or more degrees, and she would be happier with 80 degrees, and sometimes we get it that warm when we build a wood fire in the kitchen wood cook stove. In the summer when we are in the car going somewhere she wants the temperature to be down to 60 degrees! I tell her just wait until winter, and it will be easy to get the temperature down to 60 degrees, but that is not what she wants to hear!