Yes, this guy was a sports nut, and he got satellite television just to watch the sports. He was our next door neighbor and I would go watch with him to keep him company. He and I took walks together also. Carol would not watch television because she said no one should watch television in the mountains of the national park. Anyway, he was a lawyer. He told me that he moved 2000 miles to get away from a person with my same last name, and he told me that I acted like him, talked like him, thought like him, and it was a bad reminder for him. The guy was accused of setting fire and burning his kids to death, but this lawyer proved that the kids were playing house with blankets and candles, and they set their bedroom on fire. This lawyer lost a marriage because he became so aborbed in the case. He ended up drinking and on drugs, spent time in jail, lost his license to practice law, and upon returning to Washington State he regained his license to practice, cleaned up his life and so on. While still living beside us he was reviewing cases for other lawyers, and when he moved he went back to practicing law.