Moderator: youngj
Edwin wrote:I am a confirmed walker! I walk 6.5 miles most every day, unless I am gone from this place and can't get back. I have finished all the digging I need to do in the cellar. I could dig a little deeper in the run off water resevoir, but I don't think it is necessary, so I didn't do any work in the cellar at all today, as I also have the slope on the floor so that it will run water towards the drain. I was actually finished with the main part of the digging on August 7th. Our kids have been so busy I hated to push them to get me started on the construction of the walls, but I decided that I needed to get going with it, so I sent a message to them, and our son-in-law is coming over after they get some hay stacked. I knew I would have to be here to meet with him, so I decided to walk the doggies this morning. We don't get around very early, but I thought it would be cool enough before noon, so right after breakfast I started on the walk with the doggies. They didn't want to walk fast, and that is okay, as I never push them to do more than they feel like doing. Our smaller doggie, Rand, decided it was too hot for him, so he went to the house! I managed to walk with the larger doggie, Scooby for 5.5 miles, and then he was too hot, and too tired to continue. He laid down in the shade. He did that last year when he got hot and tired, and I don't push him, but he got up after a little while and was ready to go again. But this morning he did not get up, just laid there, and I waited for him forever. He acted like he was a little sick also, so after he laid there a long time, I encouraged him to get up, and we went right home, cutting one mile out of our normal walk. When it is this hot, and I am going to walk in the morning I will need to leave the house no later than 7 a.m., and then we will probably make it okay. I would rather walk in the evening, but evening is the only time our son-in-law will be able to work with me. He won't be working with me much, just enough to help get me started, and then I will be doing it. Our youngest daughter volunteered to help, so when I start laying blocks I will probably call her, and tell her to get up here and help me!
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