Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 6:21 am
I cant beLieve abOut this news that I am hearing nOw! I am shOcked, imagine? because Of the EL Niño phenOmenOn, in La Union, there were 3,000 chickens died because Of dehydratiOn, they dO nOt have enOugh water tO drink thats why they died. The saLes Of eggs came dOwn cause the price is nOt LOwer thOugh eggs became smaLLer.. In Magat Dam, the fishes aLsO died due tO the hOtness Of the water.. They were fLOating, as day by day cOmes, numerOus fishes are fLOating dead! Fish pOnds came Out Of water! ALL yOu can see is Land that is breaking.. And in DipOLOg City, peOpLe were very happy cause the small shrimps are gOing tO the riverbanks, they were getting it fOr there fOod.. They said, small shrimps gOt there because they are searching fOr a cool pLace.. Small shrimps are safe tO eat thOugh. The dOctOrs dOubt if the fishes that fOund dead in Magat Dam is safe tO eat.. This is very aLarming! PLus the rOtating brOwnOut here in MindanaO! This is very disgusting..