Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:55 pm
I was in my chiLdhOod days when I first heared it. And this past week, as I read On the bibLe, I am refreshed again.. I am sO amazed by this, "LOve yOur ENEMY". WOw! Isnt that hard tO dO?? HOw cOuLd yOu LOve yOur enemy? HOw cOuLd yOu LOve sOmeOne is nOt treating yOu nice? Backbiting yOu Or betraying yOu? This is a very tOugh thing tO dO! As Of nOw, I cannOt say that I have enemy[thank GOd], but I can caLL thOse peOpLe as my enemy when they are LoOking me dOwn, disLikes me, hates me, ignOres me, dOesnt LOve and etc. There are sO many meanings Of enemy in Our Life thOugh.. YOu can say nOw that I wiLL LOve my enemy starting nOw yet whn the situatiOn cOmes that sOmebOdy is quareLLing yOu, it wiLL nOt be easy tO shOw that yOu wiLL LOve yOur enemy and just cOnsider him/her. I have tried this when my friends quareLLed me. They said nasty and rude things abOut me.. I cried because my weaknesses are reveaLed befOre me, actuaLLy, I gOt very hurt cause thOse are my cLOsest friends. When I read this Line in the bibLe, I have reaLLy put it On my mind that I must appLy this in my Life, I wOuLd LOve tO see myseLf tOo if I can reaLLy deny my anger Or hatred tO my enemy and rather LOve him/her. I was tested by that time, weLL, I am a very sensitive and weak persOn, I easiLy cry, when I can say at that time that we are enemy Of my friends, I remembered what the bibLe said, a man whO is very cLOse tOme advised me what shOuLd I dO and then kneLt befOre the LOrd.. I cried and I asked fOr the fOrgiveness Of my sins and I aLsO prayed that pLease fOrgive them Of what things they had tOLd me. Right after that, thOugh I dO nOt knOw where Or what pOint I have mistake, I taLked tO them and I asked fOr fOrgiveness tO them if I had dOne sOmething.. At first, they did nOt easiLy respOnd abOut what I am asking, but Praise GOd that He had tOuched there hearts and then we are aLL Ok nOw! I am happy fOr the man whO advised me and I thank the LOrd tO that I have appLied what had I remembered! I deny myseLf and instead Of hating them Or saying baCk nasty and rude wOrds tO them I LOved them! And aLsO thOse enemies that I have nOw, they are my reLatives, they LoOking me dOwn, they dOnt have respect On me but nOw, instead Of hating them, I rather dOnt mind thOse things Or deeds that they have shOwed me. I dO nOt want tO get angry with them, I reaLized yOu wiLL reaLLy be bLessed if yOu wiLL LOve yOur enemy.. fOr what wiLL yOu gain if yOu wiLL OnLy LOve thOse peOpLe whO LOves yOu baCk? Then wiLL Grace Of the LOrd wiLL shOw yOu His Grace and Mercy.. I reaLized LOving yOur enemy is very hard.. extremeLy hard because we have Our dispOsitiOns and aLsO pride.. but this is nOt a matter Of reward that GOd wiLL give yOu.. rather this is a matter being a gOod persOn Like the LOrd Jesus! Imagine? Our ancestOrs, Adam and Eve betrayed the LOrd by eating the tree Of knOwLedge Of gOod and eviL but what had the LOrd did? He did nOt destrOyed them but He waited the right time fOr Him tO cOme On Earth, crucified and died On the crOss tO save us.. HOw marveLOus His LOve fOr us is! Thats is hOw I see the LOrd tO be a pattern, He LOves thOse peOpLe whO hate Him.. I am greatLy tOuched my this reveLatiOn.. May GOd bLess us in every steps that we are taking in Our Life! HOw we need tO have a heart fuLL Of LOve and stiLL LOves thOse peOpLe whO hates us Or we can say Our enemy! If we wiLL just LOve the LOrd these things wiLL spOntaneOusLy cause us tO dO with aLL Our cOnsciOusness and knOwLedge..