I have been in a tOugh break up befOre. And it was nOt easy fOr me tO mOve On.. I was grieving at that time and yet very disappOinted, my heart feeLs Like it was my wOrst days withOut him. I really feel devastated..
I bLamed the LOrd at that time Of how cOuLd I fell inLOve with the LOrd at that kind Of man and still LOving him thOugh he had aLready been gOne.. That was my wOrst nightmare ever! I am still affeCted Of thinking Of him until nOw but I am just ignOring it. [good fOr me]
Getting aLOng with yOur cLOse friends [friends that are nOt aLsO brOken-hearted] can aLsO heLp in mOving On.. Watching funny mOvies can aLsO heLp and reminder dOnt watch mOvies that are saD cause it cOuLd wOrsen yOur feeLing..
I didnt watched mOvies in mOving On. I just think that God has aLready been arranged whO is the right man fOr me.. And yet aLL I have tO dO is tO wait, patientLy.. What I did is tO reaLize that fact and pray untO Him.. I didnt get fLirting with Other guys too.. I just pour my whOLe LOve untO God, LOve Him, Praise Him, Pray untO Him, and etc. I think my ex Left me fOr good, fOr the betterment Of us bOth. I just accept that fact and I cant deny the fact that I am still praying fOr him but its fOr his Own security cause he is sOmewhere here in the Philippines tO serve the LOrd. I hOpe that sOmeda, sOmehOw, we wOuLd meet each Other and taLk withOut any guiLt and anger in Our hearts.