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Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:44 pm
by wantingmore
Separation, annulment, divorce, husband leave the wife and vice versa - these are some marriage issues. Is there something remedy for this?

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 5:22 am
by Ronald
wantingmore wrote:Separation, annulment, divorce, husband leave the wife and vice versa - these are some marriage issues. Is there something remedy for this?

There is always solution in every problem and sometimes the solution is breaking up and end up divorce. Everyone must be open minded to it.

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:55 pm
by bronze
If it wont work then quit, why prolong the agony

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:57 pm
by crisipicada
bronze wrote:If it wont work then quit, why prolong the agony

Ir marriage is not in good relationship then there is something wrong that is why it wont work. Quitting is not a solution, if there is problem then correct it or talk to each other. Marriage is not just a paper contract it is a life time commitment. Okay

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:01 am
by Despistado
Allways depend what you consider marriage.I know so many westerner men who have an"occidental view" or " modern view" of things.In occident when a marriage does not work or have difficulties there is te easy way out of divorce.I am not against it but i pesonally think i like thinking another way.
A marriage is a lifetime contract with a person and God.yes I am old fashioned catholic also here.So if you ahe troubles with your couple you have always to comunicate with her to fix it.there is always an exit for all the troubles.And always renembering in relationship is a thing as simply as give and take.Yes westerner men have to know they are not always right(we use to be so headset sometimes if not always...)and delicadeza has a time bomb for relaionships with a filipino woman(yes...sometimes hide troubles to herself and see your couple criying with no reason because they hide the troubles to make you happy).
So always be sure of who you choose to marry,is for a lifetime(or at elast as catholic I see that way).But also be careful who decide to say I love you also or who you choose to be yourcompanion in live.This is my viiew and one of the reasons i am looking for a filipina.i know most of them have this similar view of marriage and will not use the divorce parachute,they are also catholic and will fight for the marriage as much i will do.They are not only sweet and tender really charming and pretty to occidental eyes.Are also persons with a heart and feelings.So consider for them what means marriage or even having a couple.If you ae yourself and good enoughm someday you will achieve one of the most desired thing in this crazy world.A very solid home with a companion in life for as long you live(as our grand father used to be).
Sorry for writing so much....and that is only my view of that.I will respect all other views.

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:04 am
by red
wantingmore wrote:Separation, annulment, divorce, husband leave the wife and vice versa - these are some marriage issues. Is there something remedy for this?

Hmm..interesting here.

There is always a resolution in every issue. First, work out on resolving the issues. If its okay for both parties seek out help to a professional or like in our case we seek help to our Pastor. Dont seek advice to non Christian. Both parties should be willing to work out the issues..remember it takes two to tanggo. Foremost, pray for each other make a devotional prayer every day. Ask God's guidance. It helps that way. :)

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:28 am
by justmovenalong
The bottom line to this is both must love GOD more then you love each other.The answers to all your marrage troubles are addressed right there in the bible!!!!!

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 1:28 am
by crisipicada
justmovenalong wrote:The bottom line to this is both must love GOD more then you love each other.The answers to all your marrage troubles are addressed right there in the bible!!!!!

For me, marriage is a life time commitment, no matter what it is forever. If there is problem then always have to trust God to heal your relationship.

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:23 pm
by Edwin
Yes, marriage is forever, a committment before God and man. As someone in this posting said do not get advice from a non believer because they do not understand God's way, and no one should follow them the way they are going, because they are not going to end up where you want to end up. Marriage is a picture of the heavenly, and God does not want his picture distorted. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Marriage Issues

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:44 am
by crisipicada
Before getting married, both the man and woman must talk about marriage issues e.g. financial, how money will be spent, how will to rear children and how to divide work load at home.

One of the issue i have observed is domestic work. Usually the woman do all the stuff at home while the man is working. That is true but remember that women are not as strong as men. So, guys please help the woman also at home because your wife needs your help too.