by Edwin » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:05 am
The last place my wife and I worked we got a free provided noon, midday lunch every day, above and beyond our wages and tips as part of our work agreement. The idea the first employer had was that providing lunch raised everyone's morale, and then it keep the employees closer to the job site, lowering the probability that he would have to chase them down to get them back to work. I first cut out the bread from my lunch as my dad said that white bread was not fit for hogs to heat, and all the white flour was apt to kill a person eating it, so out with the white bread, and I didn't miss it. Then my teeth got so bad and hurting so much that I got so that I couldn't eat the meat, so out with the meat. I started eating the salads and vegetables because that was about all I could eat, and that didn't bother me. I got my teeth worked on over a period of a couple of years so that I could eat anything again that I wanted, but I had developed a love for salads and vegetables, so that is all I ate even after my teeth were good again. That concessionair quit business and laid all of us off (fired us) because he wasn't conducting that business any more. The next concessionaire talked us into working for him, and we did for two years after that making a total of ten years working in that place. Politics changed between the National Park Service and the concessionaire and that changed our job situations so that we decided that it was best to leave, but we still love it there, and we love those people involved in the concession, but it was no longer a good situation for us, and that is another long story. Well anyway when I went to work for this second concessionaire I told him that I needed those lunches to continue if I was going to keep working. So we got lunches from him also. Carol lost her lunches after one year because her contract was with the manager of the place and that contract lasted only one year. My contract was with the owner, and it was a two year contract. They gave everyone free lunches because we were getting free lunches, but they took everyone's lunches away from them, and they tried to take my lunches away from me, but they couldn't because of my contract, but they did take my pop, soda, rootbear away from me, and that was okay because I never drank the stuff before we went there. The cooks liked me so every day I got a huge salad, nuts, lettuse, carrots, cauliflower, brockoli, raisens, and a large piece of chicken. I gave my chicken to Carol each day, as she loves to eat chicken, and I ate most of the rest of the salad, unless she wanted some of it, and then I would divide it with her. Carol got tired of salads, but I still love to eat salads. I eat a lot of peanut butter and honey with which I drink milk, before goats milk and milk from the store. Now we get milk from the cow, and from the cream we make butter. Our daughter is heavy into making cheese, both cottage and brick cheese, and that is fun too.