I tHiNk I kNoW wHy ThAt pOsT mAde tOm tHinK Of CaRLoTa... hehe
Regarding the quote, I think I've seen it around on the internet but I'm not sure of the original source, does anyone know?
The quote makes me think of the particular emotional vulnerability of young women, who are more likely to deeply invest themselves emotionally in someone more quickly. The statement seems to be made from a position of awarness of the emotional risks of falling in love, and the fact that not everybody plays fair or turns out to be as they initially seem. "I cAn conTraDict my fEelings juSt to maKe sUre I won't lOok Stupid!" seems like a warning statement to those who might abuse the trust and emotions of the statement maker.
I think it's a good thing if young women are willing to set limits and be willing to protect themselves by walking away from a bad situation, but I also think that the ideal is to hold off from deep emotional investment until one has a better idea of the character and worthiness of the object of your affections. That said, matters of love and emotion are rarely that tidy or clinical. Also, a woman's capacity to love is something special and I know I for one would not be attracted to a robotic and cold woman whose emotionals were completely guarded.
Some might argue from a conservative standpoint that it's better to avoid deep involvement until an official commitment has been made... and I see sense in that argument but then again if we don't get to know someone well in advance of engagement or marriage how are we to ascertain compatability?
What do you folks think the most suitable level of 'involvement' and getting to know a person is prior to an official commitment such as engagement? Do you think that such a step goes some way to guaranteeing the seriousness of a suitor or are the risks of relationship failure the same?