I have run the gamut in weight through out my life. When I was growing up I was so skinny and tall that they called me Knapp Bones. I would have been considered under weight until I was about 40 years old. Then my weight would have been considered normal until I was 50 years old. I never thought that I would ever be considered over weight, but I steadily gained weight until I was about 60 years old to where I had to get larger pants, and my stomach was beginning to drop over my belt at 195 to 198 pounds at 6 feet tall.
For several years I did what a lot of people do in that I tried to control my eating, and tried to have physical activity. I was eating almost entirely salads, but they were huge, and had lots of fat producing stuff on them, so I maintained my weight even though I was eating mostly oatmeal with milk and salads. Then I ate a lot of peanut butter, honey, and drank a lot of milk.
When we first moved here I lost a quite a bit of weight the first summer, then I gained most of it back the following winter because of too many holiday meals and the lack of activity during the winter. Since I have been walking my big dog Scooby 1 1/2 hours the first 7 months, and working digging my cellar my weight dropped some. I got into a situation where I couldn't walk Scooby for 2 1/2 months, and I was taking classes online, so I sat and studied a lot of the time, and as a result I ceased to lose weight.
Since March 15th I have been back walking Scooby 2 hours each day, and also working fairly hard part of the time. I have lost most of the fat on my stomach, and I now weigh about 170 pounds. At 6 feet tall that is not too bad, but I could stand to weigh a little less than that, but I am at a pretty healthy weight. There are health risks involved with being either over weight or under weight, so it is not ideal to weight too much or too little. I will just keep walking my big dog Scooby 2 hours each day, and doing the work that I need to do, and I will keep fit with my heart, lungs, muscles, and bones, and I really don't have to worry about weight. It is not good to worry too much either!