Filipina From Cebu
Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:52 pm
I had a very unusual thing happen just after the first of January. I ordered the books that I thought I needed according the order list from the college for the nutrition class. Two were required, and that turned out that they were the text, and software to be used with the class. There was another book listed as optional, and I thought I would get it because, anything I could do to help me be successful in the class I thought was worth it. I got the text from the college book store, $160.00, couldn't believe that price. The book I thought was optional I got used online for $80.00, and it turned out to be another text identical to my new text book. There was a student repeatedly complaining that she didn't have a text book. I'm not sure whether they sold out, or whether she was short on money, and couldn't afford the $160.00, and I think she probably could get enough money together to buy the text. She was complaining to the instructor, and because it ended up on the BlackBoard which we use for our class interactions we all saw it. So I wrote the teacher, telling her I had purchase this extra used text by mistake, and I was wondering if the student would like to have it. The teacher wrote me telling me I should offer it to her, and that she would be thrilled to hear from me that I had a text that she could have. Long story shorter, I wrote her offering her this used text, that was every bit as good as my new one, in fact I was using it at that time, for $40.00 plus $10 to ship it to her. That is what I would get if I sold it back, so it was a very good deal for her, $50.00 for a $160.00 text. She was thrilled to learn that we have connections with the Philippines as she was from Cebu Island, and hadn't been home for 5 years. She is living with a boy friend, and is working toward a degree in Nursing. We became good friends in the nutrition class, and we have written a couple of times since. She is planning to return to Cebu to marry her boyfriend in year 2012, and she invited us to her wedding. I asked my wife if she was going with me to attend her wedding, but my wife is afraid to fly, so she won't be going. I probably won't either, but it was fun to think about, and to make connections with this young lady from Cebu after selling her a cheap text book. Her English is not completely refined, but I admire her, because she is taking 15 credit hours of college work, and working 40 hours a week, and I think that is more than I could do, or would want to do! She is just a lovely young lady and one more proof that filipinas are wonderful people!