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Finding the right Filipina

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 11:51 am
by Manilaman
Define your criteria, contact about 100 filipinas on JadeRune. Quickly narrow that down to about 10 in one geographical location--don't waste your time or her's if it is not a good fit upfront. Get her contact info in the Philippines--let her know you hope to visit, setup a tentative meeting. Visit Philippines for 3 weeks. Stay independent (do not agree to living accommodations with any filipina family). Get yourself a decent hotel or pension house. Get a cell phone. Find an internet cafe. Use cell, text, email--finalize meetings. Invite each filipina to meet you (separately of course) at a your hotel restaurant or another close by your hotel establishment for a nice dinner or lunch. Assure her you will reimburse her cab/taxi costs when she arrives. Allow her to bring a friend if she asks (do not encourage this). Enjoy the date, spend a couple of hours getting to know her, maybe take a walk, put her back in cab headed home (with cab fare). Do not commit to any more dates. Meet all filipinas. Now you can call or text the filipinas you like best and repeat the experience. Move forward as your preference and situation indicates.

You are on a scouting mission. Stay independent, check out all the filipinas, spend your free time wandering around getting a feel for the Philippines. Her goal will be to lock in your time--become exclusive. Your goal is to remain independent and complete your mission--identify the possible right filipina for you amongst many possibilities and also get a feel for the Philippines and filipino culture.

Re: Finding the right Filipina

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:48 pm
by abufarsi
Never thought you would get this from me... good advise. Not insulting.

If I could ad something it would be that it is unlikely that you will know the "right" girl when you meet her the first time. First impressions are lasting but they represent only a microsecond glimpse of any person. My solution to this problem is to try hard to make the girl you are with the right girl for you, and after that give yourself time for a gut feeling to develop.

I disagree that staying with any woman any length of time will give you a true glimpse into her heart, if she is set to deceive you. I have seen the smartest of guys deceived by the simplest of women. Most Filipinas will not talk very much (just observing) and for sure nothing to you about personal matters for days after you arrive so a short visit is going to yield very limited information.

How long you stay is dependent on the situation you left at home and how soon you need to return.

Jumping from one girl to another will say a lot about you that is not so flattering. It is very hard, perhaps rude, to leave when those you visit have expected you to stay longer. Keeping an open mind and shopping around sounds like good advise and maybe it is, but like dieting trying hard does not always work.

Re: Finding the right Filipina

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 12:21 pm
by Manilaman
Most filipina on this site want the man to spend all his money and time and travel to the Philippines to see her exclusively. Well this a big, big mistake. I am not saying he should be dishonest rather he should be honest, never tell her she is the one, never promise you are coming to see only her. Never be so foolish as to think you "love" some one because she attractive and sweet in email or internet chat. Man should always have multiple filipinas lined up and and definitely meet them all while in the Philippines.

If looking for a house should you buy the first house you see and like? Of course not, look at all houses for sale in the neighborhood you want to live in, this gives a good foundation for comparison. Then go back and re-look at the houses you like best. Now look over each of these houses very carefully. Have them inspected for structural soundness, cost of maintenance etc.

So the man should meet multiple filipinas, meet again with the ones you find interesting. Maintain, cool non-emotional distance, observe carefully. Make no commitments or promises, return to your home country, ponder the situation carefully.