by KenKalico » Mon Oct 03, 2011 11:27 am
Matthew, my simple thoughts are "go right ahead." What better place anywhere than to meet someone to date or possibly marry? Once one is beyond school age or university age, what other place is there? Specifcially when one is away from hometown and, in your case, abroad in another land. It is not like you have an aunt or uncle there to introduce you to a nice, suitable woman at a backyard get together.
There will always be naysayers. But there is nothing wrong with this idea. And, if the Philippines is like here, then there are plenty of women in church looking for a suitable man. Here I see middleaged widows and, yes, women divorced and with children. If God so leads you in your heart, it can certainly be the work of service (and of the Lord) to step in and aid this woman - as a firmly Christian man - in raising her children. Kids need fathers. You probably see a lot of this in the Philippines too, I think.
Are not women also in church because the available men they encounter at work or through normal social contacts just do not measure up? They are there looking for Godly men. The smart ones are.
Sure, there will be some in that church who might think you are just there for something less than pure motives. But don't let that disuade you. There are always those that gossip and malign in their thoughts, with their tongues. If your motives are pure and you seek God's direction for the right church family to join, I say go for it.
God knows your heart. You know your heart. If you are there and wish for a woman companion, the church is where you should be. Just don't fail to meet some of the good men there, too, while attending. Develop relationships and friendships with all. And consider this: Volunteer to help with Sunday School, teens, or food services for the poor. That is where you will find a good woman - volunteering.