Red, in the Movie Freak posting I talked about "While You Were Sleeping." Have you seen that movie? I also enjoy Sandra Bullock, and "While You Were Sleeping" is a very interesting romantic movie that I think will make you feel really happy. We have enjoyed watching it several times.
Also we call lovestruck, puppy love. Valentine's Day in our elementary classrooms we would make a large pocket folder to hold Valentine's cards and candies. Each of the students would make a Valentine card for every other student in the room. So we would end up getting a Valentine from everyone except ourselves off course. It would often be a fun day when we would have coolaid/punch, cookies, and cake. This is the day that, even though we were little guys we would think that we were in love with someone else in the classroom. In the 1st and 2nd grade the neighbor girl and I were in love. She lived about 1/2 mile from my house. One day she ran from her house to an outhouse they had which was maybe 200 feet from there house. I was at another neighbor's house, so I was only about a 1/4 of a mile from her house. She ran out there without a stitch of clothes on. The other neighbor girl told me, "Hey, look quick," but I didn't look quick enough! I missed it! Just as well as that was something I should not have been looking at anyway. Anyway she and I were in love off and on. She would come over and play with me in the barn, and we had more fun. We were always friends, but not lovers after the 2nd grade. Then a lawyer's daughter came to live with some people from our church. She and I were both in the 3rd grade. We were really in love. We held hands, kissed, and hugged periodically. I even danced with her once, but my conscience bothered me over that as it was against our church rules to dance. She came spent time at my house and we went and played in the barn also. I had chores that I did at the barn even when I was that little, so I was out there a lot, and we would jump out of the hay loft into the hay below and have more fun. Well, she moved away, and that was the end of that. Then a family moved from Oregon who went to our church. They had a large family, and our family was good friends with their family. We all played together. They had a daughter the same age as I, and my younger brother and I were in serious competition for her. We both loved her. We both romanced her off and on. Then we moved away to another ranch a little more than an hour's drive. So than kind of ended that. I had lots of other girlfriends from that time on, but they were more serious than puppy love, but none of them lasted very long, and each one had a special story that is too long to tell at this time. Their was one girl who wrote me a letter, calling me all kinds of sweet names, and told me that she was in love with me, and had been for a while, and she could not live without me. Well the ink hardly dried on that letter before she wrote me another, telling me that her Dad did not like me, so she didn't think we had a chance! I was never so disappointed in all my life, because I liked her too!