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Strange but true...!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:46 pm
by i am bob
Hey all!

I'm still in Canada and it's only 2 in the afternoon on a quiet Friday... so I'm reading the forums and starting to wonder about a few things... One of the things i was wondering about is, since I am suffering through my second week of pneumonia (almost better... lol!), has anyone else had anything really strange happen to them? You know, UFO sightings? Catch a 3 eyed fish? Have a stranger hand you a thousand dollars / pesos?

Let me give you an example... A true story - I know because I lived it! A few years back, when I was still a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I met God... Really... I think... Let me explain! Now, even though I was an Air Force trade, we have only one military in Canada so I also got to go "yahting" with the Navy on occasion... and, unfortunately, we didn't have a doctor on board the ship I was working with... After several weeks (actually a little over 2 months) of complaining of headaches, nausea, couldn't sleep, and so on, i finally hit the wall... Meningitis... Encephalitis... Yup, A 10 day stay in intensive care in Virginia Beach, USA... I spent the entire time semi-comatose - not having a clue where I was or what was wrong... I just knew I was sick! When I was first admitted, I remember a dream I thought I had... A little old man... Long white beard... Long flowing off-white robes.... A Shepard's staff with the crook on the top... Just like all the old cartoon drawings of God... And I remember him looking at me, very serious look on his face, and then as he turned he began to smile and just said a few simple words... "Heal yourself!" . And so I spent the next 9 days in and out of consciousness and repeating to myself to "Heal yourself'! I don't remember much but one thing I do remember is when (and apparently I did this 3 times) I kindly asked the Catholic Priest to leave as he attempted to give me last rites... When I was signed into the hospital, I was already half out of it and couldn't check which religion I was... I guess I didn't know how to tell the priest I was a Christian or (as the Canadian military called us) Protestant - Other! Anyway, what the point I was trying to make was that I was that close to death while I was there but I wasn't worried... Why? Because my "cartoon" God told me I was to heal myself and he was one guy who won't lie to you! Well, to make the rest of the story shorter, I figured out what my name was on Day 9, Day 10 after breakfast i was told to get dressed and go downstairs to find my driver... I had no idea what they were talking about but I did... I was taken by Staff Car to the main airport near there and given an envelope as I was getting out of the car... Now at this point, they might as well be sitting me down on the highway and telling me to play with a deck of cards - I still had no idea what I was doing! I walked inside the terminal, and there, on the wall above one of the airline check-ins, was an advertising for something - what I forget - and my cartoon God was the central character... And, yes, this was the first time that I had ever seen this advertisement! So needless to say, I learned a valuable lesson that day... Don't expect God to do everything but do as much as I can on my own! He is a very busy God, you know!

So, now, anybody else have something like this? Not just stories but something that really happened? To you? Family? Friends? Your dog? Cat? Chipmunk? C'mon... Don't make me come and :roll: you... !


Re: Strange but true...!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:29 am
by angel
Hey Bob,
Indeed An inspiring message of God. It never happens to me but thankful that I am good and healthy. Still your so lucky to saw him even its feels like your dreaming. I wonder if happens to me what should I do? :?: