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Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:44 pm
by Edwin
My wife's brother is dying from cancer. He has lived in Guimaras Island for about 12 years now with his filipina wife; a very happy situation. He had treatment for cancer in his prostate a few years ago. Then a little over a year ago he had surgery for colon cancer. That went well, and they thought they had his cancer under control telling him he was cancer free. Then he had a flu shot that left him with a cough. He went to the doctor and found out that he had cancer in both lungs. They told him he would have maybe 4 months to live. This was just this past September. Now he is in the hospital in Iloilo. He wanted to go to St. Luke's but he is too sick to travel. The cancer has spread more in his lungs, he is in severe pain, that they are trying to cope with by using drugs and morphine. He now has pneumonia and is very low. We have been praying for him for some time now, and we are praying that he will turn his life to the Lord. He knows the way of salvation and the decision is his, but we wish he would accept the Lord in his life. Please pray with us that the Lord will get hold of his heart, and that he will accept salvation. Thank you! :D :D

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:57 am
by red
That's really sad :(

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:01 am
by red
Edwin wrote:My wife's brother is dying from cancer. He has lived in Guimaras Island for about 12 years now with his filipina wife; a very happy situation. He had treatment for cancer in his prostate a few years ago. Then a little over a year ago he had surgery for colon cancer. That went well, and they thought they had his cancer under control telling him he was cancer free. Then he had a flu shot that left him with a cough. He went to the doctor and found out that he had cancer in both lungs. They told him he would have maybe 4 months to live. This was just this past September. Now he is in the hospital in Iloilo. He wanted to go to St. Luke's but he is too sick to travel. The cancer has spread more in his lungs, he is in severe pain, that they are trying to cope with by using drugs and morphine. He now has pneumonia and is very low. We have been praying for him for some time now, and we are praying that he will turn his life to the Lord. He knows the way of salvation and the decision is his, but we wish he would accept the Lord in his life. Please pray with us that the Lord will get hold of his heart, and that he will accept salvation. Thank you! :D :D

I am curious here, what are the signs of lung cancer? Aside from pain what else he feeling?

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:04 am
by red
God bless him, i got some friends and relatives who had cancer :( not easy.

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 2:55 am
by Edwin
Hi Red, glad to see you here again!!!! :D :D :D :D It's a long story, but I will try to be brief with it. He was concerned and afraid that I might have cancer in 2002 or 3, and told me to get my PSA test, because I was having symptoms at the time. He told me at that time that he had a friend who found out they had prostate cancer and in a short time they were dead. Well, I didn't have cancer, never have, but I had to have that TURP procedure to reduce the size of my prostate, and I did have a little trouble this summer, but everything is fine with me.

He came down with prostate cancer, so they did the freeze procedure, and it seemed to work okay, and they thought they got the cancer cleared up. Well, a couple of years later he got colon cancer, and they removed a lot of his colon, and they did a little radiation, and maybe they did that with his prostate cancer also. After the colon surgery they told him he was cancer free, and that made all of us feel wonderful, but it was a false belief, as it seemed he still had cancer spreading through his body. Last April he came to the USA to see us and his daughter who still loves him, due to her salvation, love for Jesus and faith in God. We all thought things were great. He took his filipina wife on a vacation trip here to Yellowstone National Park, and flew back to their home in the Philippines. Then in September he got a flu shot, and as a result he got really sick. He had a cough that wouldn't go away. So he went to see the doctor, I think in Manila, and they discovered masses growing in his lungs. The doctor told him he was going to die within about a year. So he came to the USA and saw a lung cancer doctor in Seattle, and they told him he might have 4 to 6 months to live. At that time he still felt good except for his cough, and he couldn't understand that he was going to die. Every time he went to the doctor he said that he was going to his next death sentencing. He was being funny, but he didn't really feel funny about it. He saw his daughter and all of us, make a trip to our house to be with all of us for a few days. Then he flew back to the Philippines, and I think he went back to the doctor in Manila again. Then they were telling him he had about 4 months to live, maybe. Since then he started having terrible pain, so he and his filipina wife went to the hospital in Iloilo. They stared giving him morpine, but that didn't seem to help, do they drugged him with something else, and we don't know what the drug was. In the hospital he got pneumonia and got very low. We thought he was going to die right away. He didn't talk at all with his wife,and he kept his eyes closed most of the time. Then the next day he got better, and talked with his wife, acting more alert. So His wife told us that he had a better day. They removed his feeding tube as it wsa bothering his stomach too much. His large tumor in his lungs is not getting larger, but he is growing lots of new ones.

We are hoping and praying that he will accept Jesus as his savior before he dies. He knows the way of salvation, and it is up to him. We wish we could do it for him, but we can't. He has to do it. We have been praying for him constantly/continually. We pray someone will talk with him. We have all tried, but we don't want to be pushy about it either, because sometimes that drives them away. We pray for him every time we eat. He is Carol's only brother, and this is really hard on her, even thinking about losing him. Thank you so much, Red, for your concern and your prayers. It means so much to have everyone praying. One encouraging thing is that he wanted to go to church with his daughter and all of us when he came to visit in April, and that was the first time he had been in church in 35 years, and it was a good church service in Seattle where we went. So we are hoping and praying for the best, and that the Lord will get a hold of his heart. :D :D :D :D

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:07 am
by Edwin
red wrote:
Edwin wrote:My wife's brother is dying from cancer. He has lived in Guimaras Island for about 12 years now with his filipina wife; a very happy situation. He had treatment for cancer in his prostate a few years ago. Then a little over a year ago he had surgery for colon cancer. That went well, and they thought they had his cancer under control telling him he was cancer free. Then he had a flu shot that left him with a cough. He went to the doctor and found out that he had cancer in both lungs. They told him he would have maybe 4 months to live. This was just this past September. Now he is in the hospital in Iloilo. He wanted to go to St. Luke's but he is too sick to travel. The cancer has spread more in his lungs, he is in severe pain, that they are trying to cope with by using drugs and morphine. He now has pneumonia and is very low. We have been praying for him for some time now, and we are praying that he will turn his life to the Lord. He knows the way of salvation and the decision is his, but we wish he would accept the Lord in his life. Please pray with us that the Lord will get hold of his heart, and that he will accept salvation. Thank you! :D :D

I am curious here, what are the signs of lung cancer? Aside from pain what else he feeling?

Red, the signs with him was only the cough that he had. He has not smoked since he was in his twenties, but it just spread from other parts of his body. The pain came later, and as well, once he found out he had lung cancer, he had no ambition to do anything, and felt tired and weak all the time. When he first found out it sent him into shock, not wanting to believe he was going to die. Then he cheered up a little and decided he would take it a day at a time. He thought there were things that could be done to treat his cancer, but there has been nothing. He decided he didn't want to prolong his life if it meant being sick and miserable during that time, so he elected not to take the pills, really expensive ones too, that were given to him to try to prolong his life, and after the pills they were going to do radiation, but he decided he didn't want the treatment that was maybe going to prolong his life but make him sick and miserable. Sad deal yes, but we hope he will find Jesus in his life as his savior. :D

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:50 am
by red
Yes, much better if he can received or accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior, if we can only spoon feed him that and force him to swallow it, why not?! lol but it isnt the case he has to do it on his own will to accept Jesus. It wont happen overnight, who knows eventually he will call up on you and discuss this matter. Takes time and God answers prayers so maybe tomorrow he will accept Jesus his personal savior. When he does please let us know. :D

Just curious about lung cancer it runs in my family of having weak lungs and asthma etc. Im also asthmatic and it just did happen when after i gave birth to my second baby. But i have Allergic Rhinitis which usually goes with asthma. So anyway, will pray for your bro in law. God bless.

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:46 pm
by Edwin
red wrote:Yes, much better if he can received or accept Jesus Christ as his personal savior, if we can only spoon feed him that and force him to swallow it, why not?! lol but it isnt the case he has to do it on his own will to accept Jesus. It wont happen overnight, who knows eventually he will call up on you and discuss this matter. Takes time and God answers prayers so maybe tomorrow he will accept Jesus his personal savior. When he does please let us know. :D

Just curious about lung cancer it runs in my family of having weak lungs and asthma etc. Im also asthmatic and it just did happen when after i gave birth to my second baby. But i have Allergic Rhinitis which usually goes with asthma. So anyway, will pray for your bro in law. God bless.

Thank you Red! Yes, some in our family has asthmatic troubles and use inhailers also. And we will pray for you too. God Bless You as well. We will let you know, and thank you again for your concern and your prayers! :D

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:17 am
by Edwin
Red, you asked me to let you know when Carol's brother made his peace with God. Well, I am very happy to tell you, and anyone else that he has made his peace with God. His filipina wife told Carol in a facebook message that she has been telling him to surrender it all to the Lord. She told him to call on God always, and he told her yes, and that he is very happy. She asked him directly, and he told her that he had accepted God already, and we are very happy with that news. We will all see him in heaven now, and Carol is very happy to know that she will see the only brother she has ever had in heaven again. It seems such a miracle because for 35 years he never went inside a church until last April, and it was his idea to go to the church service with all of us, and it seemed unreal that he wanted to do that. I think the Lord was working on his heart then. So, yes he is going to die, but how soon we don't know. His pneumonia is under control now. They are going to do a ct scan on his abdomen to see if there is a blockage, or why his stomach would be hurting so badly. His lungs still hurt. He wants to go home so badly but he hurts so badly that all he can do is lay there. We do know now that when he dies he will be with the Lord, and that is a great comfort. Thank you to all of you for praying for him. We are so happy that he has accepted the Lord as his savior. :D :D :D :D

Re: Dying from cancer

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:48 pm
by abufarsi
I am surprised he decided to spend his last days in the Philippines. I assume he is older and on Medicare. A very brave man to face death in a foreign land.

Cancer is a terrifying disease. But if there is a single blessing it is that he had warning that his time is near and was able to put his affairs in order, even in matters of spirit.