Happy Birthdays
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:40 am
Well, today is my wife Carol's Happy Birthday. She is 70 years old today. She is wondering how she got here this quickly! When you get that old a lot of your classmates, friends, and relatives are dying. She lost a step sister the last of October, and now her full biological brother is dying. It is sad but also it is part of life. A time to be born, and a time to die. The kids are having a birthday celebration for her at a local restaurant. They are going to have orderves and cake. It will be fun for her and for all of us. It is not only in the Philipines that birth certificates don't get done correctly, or at all, or that birth times get mixed up. Carol's real mother and her family said that she was born on December 22nd, and I believe that is the day she was born. After her Dad and Mom split up, her Dad's family decided that she was born on December 23rd, and that day is when she celebrated her birthday all these years, but she was actually born on December 22nd. Her old birth certificate said December 22nd, but it was stolen, and the newer one said December 23rd. Carol said, "well, I have celebrated on December 23rd all these years, so I will keep it on December 23rd!"