Sir Michael, my sister-in-law, the former one, she's still our friend, was heavy into corn bread. We never ate it at my house that I grew up in with my parents, but my sister-in-law loved corn bread. I worked for them as my older brother's hired man in the wheat fields, so I lived with them more than I lived at home during the summers, and she fed us wonderfully; a great cook. I had the best lunches to take to the field that you can imagine. Often times I would not even stop the tractor, but I ate right on the tractor while I was plowing, disking, or whatever I was doing. We had 3 R John Deeres that we did our farming with, and the place where the operator sat was well incased with a hand clutch instead of foot clutch, a brake for each wheel, the diesel hand throttle, and the decompression lever for starting the big engine. My brother got a 5020 John Deere before he quite farming that made those Rs look like mosquitos, and now that huge 5020 is very small compared to the tractors they are using in the fields today. Well, I got off my subject of what I was going to say. We had cornbread with butter and honey, and cornbread with dry boiled beans, and boy was that corn bread good! I will agree with you on the butter milk. My Dad and my older brother loved butter milk. They always let the cream sour a bit before they made the butter, so you know what the butter milk tasted like, and I didn't think anyone should be drinking it! Carol and I churned our butter out of sweet cream, but we had so much cream and milk that we just gave the butter milk to the big dog, Scooby mixed in with his dog food and when he would see butter milk coming he would lick his chops and the saliva would run!!!! The cow is going down on her milk, and our kids are getting some little pigs, so there goes our milk; no more milk for us!
We are now buying it out of the store, and that is okay. I was paying the kids $50.00 each month for feed in return for milk and eggs. We got a gallon of milk every day, until the cow went down on her milk, then we got a gallon every other day, and we miss it already. We don't have to pay the $50.00 a month now, but it cost us more than than to buy the milk out of the store, but that is okay as we will get more milk later when the cow comes fresh again, and when the kids don't have pigs to feed. The kids do the animals and garden, and we just take what we can get and try to be fair about it. I am supporting a horse that belongs to my grandkids, and I should be ridding that horse a little for fun, but you know how life can be sometimes, and I rode horses so much when I was younger that it is nothing that I have a strong desire for, but I should ride that horse just for old times sake!