Yes, Red, our brother-in-law who has lived in the Philippines for 12 years, and actually he lived in that part of the world for many years before that, and he would always be cold when he would come to our part of the country, even when we were plenty warm enough. His filipina wife was the same way probably because of always living in a very warm environment. She never came to this country only for short visits with him, so she never got acclimated to this weather.
This is kind of funny, because I am temperature insensitive. It can get very cold to where everyone else is very uncomfortable, and I am still comfortably warm until it gets really cold, or I have been exposed to it for too long a period of time. I am the same way about heat. I am fine when everyone else is too warm. So it has to get very warm or very cold before I notice it. A couple of years ago the airconditioning quit working in our car. I was fine with it, but Carol was very miserable, so I took it in and got it fixed, and now it has worked for a couple of summers. In the summer she wants the airconditioner to drop the temperature to the point that she would be freezing if it were winter. Then of course she wants the house heated a lot warmer than she wants to car in the summer time. When we are in the car, and she wants the temperature to be about 65 degrees Farenheight, I tell her to just wait for winter, and it will be very easy to have the house at that temperature, but during the winter she wants the house warmer than that. Well, now that it is February our coldest weather and our most severe storms should be finished, but we have not had the snow that we usually get this winter. We did have some very cold air temperatures, and some winds, although the wind did not blow very hard this winter.
Other things can have an effect on how cold you feel, like the moisture content in the air, the wind speed, and how well your house is insulated. I found this winter that I needed 3 shirts and a tee shirt to stay warm while walking, but before I finished my walk I was sweating, so when I came in the house I changed my shirts, putting on dry ones. Otherwise I would get cold from evaporating sweat off my skin. I did get cold from that a few times before figuring that out!