Being retired changes time completely. Before when you work you have weekends off and many times holidays off. That way you have a grasp on which day of the week it is, and which day of the month. Often times when you are retired one day runs into another day, and they seem all alike. Since we have been attending church again, at least each Sunday is a trip down the hill to attend church, in that way we know which day is Sunday. Then our local newspaper comes on Wednesday, so that identifies 2 days of the week. I wasn't even thinking about this being the last day of the month, even though I knew it was until my son-in-law drove past me while I was walking with the dogs and told me "Happy New Year." He was going to Spokane to help my other son-in-law change a motor in a pickup truck.Then I thought, "Yes, it is New Year's Dayl, isn't it?" Earlier in the day our daughter called from Spokane and asked me if I was going to stay up until 12:00 midnight tonight. I told her I always stay up until 12:00 midnight. I have been staying up later than that lately, but I have to make myself go to bed at 12:00 midnight so that I will not get my hours turned around. Being on the West Coast, USA it is close to 8:30 p.m. now, and in 3 and 1/2 hours it will be midnight, and then immediately the new year 2012 will begin. On the East Coast I think they are already in teh new year. In the Philippines, you who are in the Philippines are already in the New Year, 2012, at 11:30 a.m. if I have my figures correct. Happy New Year to all of you, and may you be Blessed of God in 2012.