Being Gracious
Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:25 am
Have you ever thought about what being gracious means? I think there are several meanings connected with the word grace. Someone who has poise we consider to be graceful. The Gazelle is graceful in his/her movements. Gracefulness is the opposite of being awkward. So, we are graceful if we move smoothly and do not stumble or fall. A person going down the isle to get married moves with grace, or the person in a graduation procession. I think there is another aspect of being gracious which is showing grace. God has bestowed on us His grace when he gave us what we do not deserve. The definition of grace has been given as unmerrited favor. I have heard this definition criticized because if you say the word favor, you do not have to say unmerrited because favor is not earned, and to use the word unmerrited is redundant. Anyway when we get grace from God we get what we don't deserve. God wants us to give others also what they don't deserve. Show grace to others. If they do wrong, don't try to make them pay for their wrongs. This goes against my grain, because my natural tendency is to want to make people pay for their wrongs. But, we can show others grace as God has shown us grace also. This is kind of like if we don't do for others what we want God to do for us, He may not do it for us. This is related to God's law that if we want God to forgive us, we had better forgive others, because if we do not forgive others God will not forgive us either, and that is kind of scary.