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filipina is wortht the wait !

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:07 am
by jennie
to all those guy on earth :D i just want to share this with all of you that we filipina are loving and thoughtful to our man, if we say i love you it means a lot more than you'll ever know :D
jeni here from cebu city
this is my ym if you want to know more about me

Re: filipina is wortht the wait !

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:40 pm
by Edwin
Yes, jennie, I do believe that a filipina is worth the wait. I have a quite a few connections with people from the Philippines. My mother's cousin after his first wife died of cancer he traveled to the Philippines to marry a filipina. I think he was there during WWII, and he knew where he was going. He had a few wonderful years with her, had a son, and then died of cancer. My brother-in-law has lived with his filipina in the Philippines for 12 years, and now he is almost gone, dying from cancer. My wife's cousin is married to a filipina, who actually migrated to Canada before he met her. My nephew married a filipina, had 2 beautiful children, something bad happened to their marriage, but now he is living in the Philippines with his second wife. My friend married a filipina, and they are very happy. There are probably other connections that I am not even remembering just now. Filipino people are wonderful people, and I love their culture. :D :D :D :D

Re: filipina is wortht the wait !

PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:09 am
by edeline
Edwin thank you so much for the admiration everything about Philippines.

Re: filipina is wortht the wait !

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:34 am
by Edwin
You are welcome, Edeline! When we were with our friends Sunday I reviewed lots of memories of my trip to the Philippines the year before. Our filipina friend told me that her families said, "Where is David; why didn't he come back to see us?" I like it that those people are so caring. They only saw me for that 2 week period that I was with them, and they treated me like I was a member of their families, and like I had been with them forever. I do appreciate their love and their concern. I like their religious belief, and even if it might not be exactly as mine, they do believe in God and give Him place in their lives and in society. It seems like in the USA a lot of people want to get rid of God. They do not want Him in politics, nor do they want Him in the schools. There are many in politics who believe in God, trust in HIm, and give him a place in their lives, but there is also an anti God spirit which shows itself in the people who believe in abortion, and the ones who do not want God mentioned in prayers or written on the walls. In the schools there are many who are Christians and believe in God, but then there is also an anti-Christ spirit there also, and that spirit does not want our Lord Jesus Christ or God spoken about in the schools. I have seen teachers have their Bibles in the classroom, but they were not allowed to talk about Him to anyone for fear that they would lose their jobs.

Anyway, there are many things about the Philippine's culture that I love. I like the family support that the people in the Philippine's show to each other. I think many of them know how to enjoy life even more than many people in the USA do, even though many of those people have far less than many of our people in the USA do. They have a concern for each other, and provide protection for each other in their families and I think that is wonderful. :D :D :D :D