Discipline Determines Your Destiny
What you are now today is all about what you have done in the past. Our present is the result of history of life. The Philippines gained her freedom from the Spaniards because of many Filipinos who have fought for it. Many people had become successful and achieved their goals in life because of the burning desire and discipline they have in life. Looking back my life in college days, we were more than 50 in a block section who took up BS Mathematics. I remember it right, after the first semester in first year, our class ended up 23 who continued. Some of my classmates, shifted courses in agriculture, social sciences and others transferred to other school and some got failed. At fourth year, 11 left during the first semester and indeed 7 graduated in March 30, 2001.
What you do desire in life? What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish? Pause a moment and think about it? Or what have been your desires when you were young? What are your plans, short term and long term one? Did you achieve some of it? If yes, that is great! And if no, why have you failed? What caused you not to be successful?
For those who have been a failure to a relationship, many desire to start over again and still positive to be successful, happy and fulfilling one in time comes. For those who wants to lose weight, they do exercise because they desire to slim down. For those who suffers health desire to desire to be healthy.
When I was a child, my late father has become so perfectionist to me/us. I felt before that I have no freedom of my own. I felt in my heart that he did not love me/us. I enumerated things do be done, do this and do that like a military one. I cannot remember gentleness from his speech at that time. I/we were not free to question his command or instruction but rather to obey them without question. I realized, as I grew up that fathers knows best. I then, understand that what he wants us is to be in the right direction. He longs or desires us to be in good path. He won’t let to be in danger. He corrected us and disciplined us when we committed wrong. He let us understand why we have been given discipline. It was because he loved us so much and not to be harm.
As we, children of God, we have divine discipline for our Father, too. God chastise us because He loves us. Hebrews 12:3 clearly states, For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Because we are the sons of God, he disciplines us. Sometimes, God allows us to be sick to realize that He needs our attention and to fully trust and surrender to Him.
He allows circumstances because He wants us to redirect our life. “If we endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth no? For but if ye be without chastisement, whereof all the partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.“ – Hebrews 12: 6-7Because we are the sons of God, indeed we should be thankful for the chastisement, or else we not His.
God has made clear in His word, the Bible, about His corrective measure. “ But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversations. “ Because our father in Heaven is holy, His children must live a holy life too – in words, actions and mind and heart. “Because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy – Hebrews 1:16. God desires for His children to grow and mature in godliness as we temporarily stay on earth because it is profitable unto all things. ‘But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, & exercise thyself rather godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, & of that which is to come.’- I Timothy 4:7-8.
Sometimes or at all times, it is hard to grow in our walk in spiritual life. We try & failed and try and failed all over again. This is true because our enemies try to lure us to sin. The evil things become successful. It is also because we are still in our old nature that we nurture. We must faithfully and diligently not to nourish our carnal self because it is an abomination unto the Lord. We did not grow and won’t grow because we are NOT DISCIPLINE & did not put value to grow at all.
My officemate desires to go on jogging and workout because he wants to lose weight. Because he is not discipline to his food intake and sometimes did not make it to go on working out, he failed. Like many relationships end up empty and heartbroken because of wrong companionship. To start a wrong relationship – like sex outside marriage is one thing. Many people are very proud of themselves to indulge in it and never feel the pang of sting of guilt. Sex in itself is good- because God created us to enjoy it in right season of life, but outside the plan of God, we sin. It is unhealthy, and it will ruin your bodily and mentally life. You will have guilt in heart, frustration & dissatisfaction. It affects your health because you are craving that cannot be fulfilled. Thus, it will ruin your whole system.
Don’t we realize what effects could be without discipline? What are the results in our life without discipline? Here are some lists I have learned.
Without discipline, WE FOLLOW CARNAL DESIRES. Did you notice that when you are not discipline, and go with the fads and fades of the world, you become obsess to the things we see. We like this one and wanted to have one. Like clothing, or food, we want to indulge in it even if it is not within our means. Like many teenagers now, become so attach to fashion. They become demanding to their parents and if not given what they want, do not respect them anymore. Sometimes ends up angry and quarrel with their parents. It caused not contentment and wanting more and more because when one is taken, still looking for the new one, and never has been contented of what they have. Like the addict person in alcohol or cigarette, if nothing to buy, then end up stealing. Sometimes, food is delicious, even unhealthy is good to eat, we tend to eat much. Because many people believe sex is good, even outside marriage, they indulge in it and become carnal. Thus, without discipline, people follow carnal desires.
Without discipline, WE DEFEND OUR WRONG ACTIONS. In my college years, I love the Philosophy subject. I love to know the different system of thoughts. It is all about different thought regarding the rightness and wrongness of actions. It also speaks about wisdom. I love to learn about how people behave and what they believe that cause their actions. I still remember the phrase, “ THE MEANS DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE DEEDS”. Correct me if I am wrong. Like helping or giving food to the poor from stealing is not good at all. It is still immoral or not good or it is still bad because the means of stealing will not justify the good intention of helping the poor. Other system of thought says,RIGHT AND WRONG is RELATIVEor BAD AND GOOD IS RELATIVE. Many believe that what is good to other person might not be good to some. And what is wrong to other person, might be right to others. Many people believe in many things and try to justify their actions. Many gives advice to do this or do that, even it is not lawful or biblical. Many people their faith become shaky because of these wrong people who they listen too. In the long run, they will be driven by the worlds wisdom.
RIGHT and WRONG are absolute and definite. If it is right it is absolutely right, if it is wrong, it is definitely wrong. Like having sex or craving for it outside marriage, where God abhors it, is definitely wrong and sinful. Because something feels good, is not necessary RIGHT. Thus, without discipline, we defend our wrong actions.
Without discipline, WE MAKE FINANCIAL MISTAKES. I am thankful to have a discipline father in terms of financial matters. He inculcate in our hearts and minds, to save money or not to buy that is not necessary. I learn from my mother, Live within your means, she said. Work for your desires and trust it to the Lord. Sometimes, we become discontented in life. It is because we are not discipline to be contented. And sometimes it ends us lending money and that is very true. We buy things not within our capacity and end up trouble in mind and have no peace. Thus, without discipline, we make financial mistakes.
Without discipline, WE PERFORM POORLY AT WORK. This is true. And I experienced it by myself. When you do something, put your heart and mind. Focus and leave everything what is behind in your house or do not be distracted on what you do at work. Be discipline on certain task, because without discipline, we perform poorly at work.
Without discipline, WE DEVELOP SLOTHFUL HABITS. Do you know “ manyana habit”? Something you want to do now but you always delay it and do it later. And then you realize that you never done anything? You want to do your assignment now, but then you say to yourself, “I will do it later”. You plan to clean your house, but then, you make many alibis to do it later. And then, nothing accomplish at the end of the day. Because of no discipline, we develop slothful habits.
Without discipline, WE ARE CARELESS IN OUR SPEECH. 10 % of misunderstanding is caused by misunderstanding on something or on the matter, 90% is caused by how you say it. Many times we caused pain or discouragement to someone because of how we say it. Our speech must be for the encouragement and building up relationships. Sometimes, because we become bothered and not in good mood because of undiscipline, we talk impulsive things that will lead to unhealthy relationships. For, without discipline, we become careless in our speech.
Without discipline, WE ARE ALWAYS LATE. How many times you were late at school? How many times you did not meet the deadlines? How many times you were late to go to work? How many times someone got upset because you did not follow what you have agreed with? Because we are not discipline to make things in order or wake up early, we are always late.
Without discipline, WE WASTE TIME AND ENERGY. Learn to live a life in a schedule. I learn to list things to be done everyday. I see to it that I will be doing what are supposed to do. I learn that to do beyond your capacity or energy wears me down. I learn to do less lately and make a list of it. Do you have some sleepless nights because you are not discipline to sleep early? We must be discipline to conserve energy because without discipline, we waste time and energy.
Without discipline, WE RUIN OUR TESTIMONY. There are things that are LEGAL but not MORAL. There are things that are LEGAL but not BIBLICAL. We must value relationship with God more than anything else. As Christian, we must preserve our testimony, for the world is always looking to us. It is hard to make a difference but we must to, because without discipline, we ruin our testimony.
I learn so much about these things, and I hope you learn too. But how can we be disciplined? First, we must have definite goals. What are your goals? What are you living for? For me, to have a Christ – centered family soon is my goal in my next season of life. And as of now, it is still in the hand of God. Not only that we should have definite goals, we must be diligently pursue with our goals. Even it is hard we, must continue and always on the go. Also, we must be consistent with our goal. If you have not achieved it, still figure it out, be consistent on it and no matter what- by hook or by crook, still life must be consistent in pursuing goals you have. Sometimes, the road is rough and rocky, so many obstacles along the way. Have self-control over the circumstances. It is necessary in accomplishing your goal. Like having self-control in handling your finances, it is absolutely necessary to have self-control in your goals to achieve. Most importantly, say “NO” in the power of the Holy Spirit. He is our helper to achieve our goals, and empower us to achieve them as what God wants us.
And did you know that being discipline REWARDS US? The rewards includes: A lifestyle that is more orderly and less stressful . We become feeling good about ourselves. It is because the more you discipline, the more you value what is the right thing to do. Not only that, you become productive and it affects health and be a better one. It results positive impacts on others. A discipline person is contagious. You become has sense of direction in life and people wants to be like you. You possess great qualities people want to have, too. Moreover, it opens door of opportunities.Why? Because you are honest person, discipline and of good moral standing in life. People trust you and entrusted you greater responsibilities because they believe in you. And most of all, because you are discipline, you reach your goal . To reach goals in life, be diligent, be persistent, and be consistent to reach them all.
Now, how will you start being discipline? To develop discipline, let us read the word of God – Bible ( I am using King James version 1611). We must listen what He says and what He guides us. We must pray to the Lord and talk to Him what is in our hearts and change them to what His will. Give the 10th part of God of what He has given or blessed us. We must return our tithes, and also offering - God loveth a cheerful giver. It is a holy law or command. If we follow worldly law on taxes, how much more what God says? It is He, great, loving father who commanded it. We must be discipline to return it, after all He is the source of everything. We must attend local church or not to forsake the Lord’s Day. We must attend worship Sunday in a church where God guides us. For the word of God is guide word in life.
I hope and pray that these things be applied by yours as I started to apply it, too. It is only by the grace of God we can walk according to His purpose and plan. May the Lord bless your hearts and minds as you read these things and become a blessing. Please share this to someone you love and to someone who needs encouragement and guidance in life.