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Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:31 pm
by crisipicada
I am grateful that I change my attitude about dating relationship. Before, I am very much immature and enjoy the fun with someone I like. I tend to show directly how much I like the person. I am not careful about how others would feel or someone might affected to his present responsibilities. As long as I love him, then I enjoy the time to be with him.

When I went to college, I made a decision to be very careful about how to treat men. I should be very careful with my doings and actions because I believe that it is not yet for me to be in a relationship romantically. Although, I change my mindset about dating, but then I recognize that much of i was superficial.

During camp in the summer, I met George ( not real name). I like him so much. Although my parents do not want me to be in a serious romantic relationship at the moment because still need to focus at school, and do what is being need to give priority, but still I pursue it. We never into sex but it become a struggle and that did not glorify God. We talk over the phone, texting, sending cards and everything that keep us close and being attached to each other.

When he moved to University Of the Philippines, I become so affected. My mind always feeling discontented and always being worrying to much. What if he has someone one there. What if he has forgotten me, what if he no longer in love with me, what if he is already fall in love with other woman.

Later, when we talk over the phone. He said , "we know this will really happen as we do not expect. I know that we will have our own lives and we know that our life will bring us to other direction as we do not know really what future could be. Tears fell in my eyes, as in I want to get angry to myself. So much pain and so much regret in life. We promise to ourselves that we will love forever. The promises to love till death, is NOT QUITE FOREVER. This there any better things to this? I asked to myself

This has been some of the stories I have heard in many relationship my friends had encountered. Is there any better to this? How many promises you have said FOREVER? Is it forever or NOT QUITE FOREVER?

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:33 am
by red
It is okay Crisi life is like that sometimes. But keep the faith. The word "forever" will soon be meaningful to you when the right man comes along your way. Then you will say that it is worth to wait.

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:21 am
by Edwin
For a lot of people the "till death us do part" doesn't mean a lot. I think many people now, especially in our country don't really mean that, or they don't even think about it. They are getting married, and that is part of the ceremony; it is said and repeated, and the ceremony is completed and they are married. I think maybe a lot of them have in mind, even while the ceremony happening, if this doesn't work we can always get a divorce. Jesus said that marriage should be forever, and that Moses granted people a writing of divorce because their hearts were hard. When a divorce takes place someone's heart is hard, and it is sin. It is pretty complicated because many times one of the partners has no choice; it is done to them, and they are divorced. Our church organization that was once unbending on divorce is now making allowances for divorce if it were no fault to an individual but was done to them through no fault of their own. Also if someone were beating you, and the beatings become more severe until literally your life is threatened, should you stay in that marriage? Often in those cases the one partner is unwilling or unable to leave, and there is a murder that takes place. So it is complicated, but forever should mean forever for not just one, but both people of the couple. :D :D :D :D

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:32 pm
by red
I agree with you Sir Ed. If only one party is wanting forever it won't work. Takes two to tango. :) You would feel it if its the right person for you because you will see the willingness of the other party to make things work for the relationship. And the words he will use just melts you like ice cream :lol: but hey not just words actions too. Very important to put those words in action.

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:49 pm
by Edwin
Yes, it does take two. Icecream sounds good too! :lol: :lol: Words are important, and then actions are important also. It takes both words and actions. The words must be backed up with actions. Then we have to be careful how we use the term forever as well. We don't dare tell our partner that it seems like forever since we were married to them, because they might get the wrong idea. Then if we are having fun time will fly, and it will seem like no time at all. I do understand what is meant by forever though. It needs to be forever, and both need to commit to that! :D :D :D :D

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:19 pm
by red
I like ice cream Sir Ed, what flavors you like?

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:14 pm
by Edwin
I love Maple Nut!!!!; my favorite! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I will eat too much of it if I get a chance. Offer me Maple Nut icecream and I will do anything for you!!!! I like other flavors too, but that is my favorite! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Anyway on your anniversary don't tell your husband or wife that it seems like you have been together forever! Time is supposed to fly when you are having fun! You are supposed to say, "It just seems like yesterday when we were first married." Time does go quickly, and the years keep rolling by! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:26 pm
by red
I like Mango Ice cream and my girls like purple Ube ice cream and rocky road. Yes times go by fast so does age and fine lines on the face, sag face, i hate it. Makes me conscious on what to do to stay young (char lang) :lol:

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:35 pm
by Edwin
Yes, I love mangos, so I would love mango icecream! I think I like any kind of icecream with nuts. I know what you mean by the aging process. I hate to even look in the mirror, because I am afraid that I will see what I don't want to see. I thought my Dad was ancient and aged before he died. His hair was very thin, and though he did not have any large bald places like some men do, he was definately missing a lot. His hair had lost most of the color, and I thought that he was really old, but my Mom disagreed with me. Well, I am older than my Dad was when he died, and that is amazing. I loved my Dad very much. He was the best Dad anyone could have, and he didn't live long enough, but God knows. :D :D :D :D

Re: Not Quite Forever

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:55 pm
by Smiley
Hi All: I hope that it is ok for me to post this link here. If not please accept my apoligies. Robert Munsch is the author of a lot of kids books. This is him reading my favorite. The title is "I`ll love you forever" When my mother was in the final stages of Alzheimers I sang her this song. If I ever again tell someone "forever" I will mean "as long as I am able to" Please watch this: Just cut and paste into your browser.