When we moved back we didn't get a telelphone line, because we were without a telephone for 10 years, and our kids loaned us a phone and we got on their plan for the cell phone. Ours on our kids' plan cost us about $38.00 or so, and we talked about all we wanted. It was AT&T, and if we talked with another AT&T no time accumulated. We got along fairly well with that plan until our daughter came to stay with us, and she called a lot of people not on AT&T, and talked longer than we were accustomed to, and that bill was $120.00 or so, and we still have a little of that to pay, then after this month that will be done. Our daughter from out of town kept giving us her old phones to use, as she gets a new one once a year on her plan, so that worked great, except that we had to get used to a new phone every so often, which was difficult. Then that daughter put us on her plan, and we got off from this daughter's plan, and our phone bill went down to $10.00/month with unlimited texting, and lots of talking time. I don't know why we get such a good deal from the other daughter, but I am thankful for it. We just got another phone from her a few weeks ago, and it is all touch. You touch things you don't intend to, and things happen that you don't intend to have happen including calling people by mistake! We are getting used to it, but I have never sent a text using that phone. Actually I have never sent a text using any phone, except sending messages to our daughter's phone using the computer, and that works great. I think I should figure out how to send a text in case I want to/need to at some point in time. I understand that the batteries run down more quickly when the phone is seaching for towers. Anyway for some reason the battery in this phone stays charged much longer than in our other phones, and that is nice!