How Can I Decide?

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How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:26 pm

This is a christian forum and it is a way to express what is in our hearts and minds. With those people who have good intention and right motive in their seach for a life time partner or husband/wife, sometimes confuse what they are looking or searching for. Seems that they do not have direction what kind of person they are looking. Now, How can I decide if he or she is for me? What attributes of that person do you want to possess as your future partner to be? This is for those who are still searching and also for those who found one. What characteristics and attributes he or she possesses that you are looking for? How will I know that he or she has that attributes? How will I know?

Hereunder are some of the list i have now as of this moment. Some will be added in the future as I am thinking.

1. Respectful - It is hard to find someone today who are respectful. But I want a man of my life who respect my own belief. But to respect someones ideas and opinions is good but need not to fight for it as it is wrong. It is better to give your opinion why things to be wrong or not. To respect someones perspective is good but it need not to argue about it.

How the man respect his parents and siblings will also respect me as the future wife. To be respectful is to listen to what is in my heart and what my concerns are. I believe that how he will respect and obey his parents will he respect me also. Respect has always has a listening heart.

2. Loving - It is hard to love someone whom it is hard for him or her to love in return. Those people who wants to destroy your life is hard to love. Someone who wanted to make your life miserable is hard to love, too. We christian are commanded to love one another, and also to love our enemy. For the man i desire to be, i know that he will love me to be his future wife if he love his mother. How he will treat his mother, will also love me as his wife in return. This is the same with the women. How they treat their father, will also they treat their husband to be. So, it is important to know how much he really show love to his family members and parents.

3. Responsible - Take note how responsible the person even in smallest thing. How responsible he or she uses her time, what she spend and whom he or she spend his or her time. Being responsible is to know our priorities. Being responsible is always put things first, first. Like my late father, I can say that he was a responsible father to us. Although, he was so perfectionist and strict to us, but he was responsible. He always try his best to provide and do his obligation towards us his children. He tried to send us to school and always encouraged us to be also responsible with our studies. He has provided us as much as he can, indeed he was responsible.

4. Patient - to be patient is so hard. Teaching kids is so hard. Actually, I need to more patience in terms of dealing them and be patient enough until they learn what I wanted to impart. ALso in any relationships - family, friends, romantic - it need patience. Patience to understand someone, patient to wait until they have learned, patient to hold on no matter what happen. Patient is so hard to learn especially that we are human. We always easily get angry because we do not get what we expected to, but I have learned to be patient. I also learned that if we are impatient , we lack wisdom. Wisdom from above is very important. Patient to wait and along the way we will understand in the future why we needed to be patient. Like laying piano, pianist are very good to see and hear the music as they play because they had the patience to wait. Patience to tackle difficulties while learning to play good. Sometimes, your hands get hurt and spend many hours until you will get it perfectly.

5. Committed Christian - I am not looking for a perfect guy, since there is no perfect. I am looking for a right man. Before I can find that, first I should see to it that I am the right one for him, too. While many claim to be christian, many live opposite to what they believe as christian to be. Living as Christian has no place for compromise. To compromise will always lead to distraction and ended up disappointment, hurt and pain. So we must live a life that is what God wants. His word must be our map of our daily living. It is a daily renewal of hearts and minds that keep us on HIs will.

These are the list I have on my mind, and hope to write more in the future. Please write down what attributes you wanted to have in your future spouse or if you are married, what attributes you want to develop in your husband or wife now. It is a lot to contribute. Then you will know and decide. So, Do you know how to decide now? Pray for it and God will give you the desires of your heart. :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby red » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:34 pm

Very good Crisi. It is good to set standards on picking a person you want to be with forever. Better be careful than regret later on. It maybe hard to find. Take your time. Sure there is somebody meant for you.
Let say, I want this person to have these characteristics............ okay found one but hey, he is not handsome and he is old :lol: So cancel that person and wait for another one should be younger and good looking too. Found one but there is a flaw. So cancel that, then next, wow, great he has all of it but not so handsome but neat and clean and you got attracted... then you marry that person. Alas, as you two go along the way something wrong happened in the relationship. See, life is not perfect. As long as we are on this world temptations surround us. So I suggest best find somebody that has strong conviction to be a good husband, father and as a Christian. A true Christian never let himself get tempted. And add this to your criteria: he must take care of you like a flower.
Just follow your heart but best lead your heart because the heart is deceitful above all things as Bible says.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:54 pm

Those are some great ideas, Crisi! I have heard that, if a young lady wants to know how she will be treated, then she should observe how he treats his mother and his sisters. If a young man wants to know how he will be treated he should observe how how the young lady treats her brothers and her father. This makes a lot of sense. Respect for the other person is important to make them feel secure and loved. Love as God would love is good. Being responsible is very important to live life with fewer problems. Get things taken care of on time. Patience is an important one, because we need patience to get what we are after, and not to give up easily. We need to stay with it, even when we feel like quitting. Be a committed Christian, and be genuine. Don't be the person who claims to be a Christian and lives opposite of what that stands for. These are very good points, Crisi! :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:31 pm

red wrote:Very good Crisi. It is good to set standards on picking a person you want to be with forever. Better be careful than regret later on. It maybe hard to find. Take your time. Sure there is somebody meant for you.
Let say, I want this person to have these characteristics............ okay found one but hey, he is not handsome and he is old :lol: So cancel that person and wait for another one should be younger and good looking too. Found one but there is a flaw. So cancel that, then next, wow, great he has all of it but not so handsome but neat and clean and you got attracted... then you marry that person. Alas, as you two go along the way something wrong happened in the relationship. See, life is not perfect. As long as we are on this world temptations surround us. So I suggest best find somebody that has strong conviction to be a good husband, father and as a Christian. A true Christian never let himself get tempted. And add this to your criteria: he must take care of you like a flower.
Just follow your heart but best lead your heart because the heart is deceitful above all things as Bible says.

Thank you, Red for this reply. Actually I am not the kind of person collect and select, it is not quite good. Seems not helpful and healthful. If you intent to say you love the person, then it must be forever. I do not treat that saying "I love you" to the person as in has no meaning at all. What is happening today is this online dating is that people have many bf and gf and they say to them all "I love you". It seems no big deal for them. I was communicating for a person for over 1 year then later on sad to say he is sending me wrong messages, the first one, he send me YM message not for me and call me other name. The next one communicate to him almost 2 years but still sending me other email not for me. Seems did not work out. I do not want to experience such thing again. Faithfulness is important in any relationship.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:34 pm

Edwin wrote:Those are some great ideas, Crisi! I have heard that, if a young lady wants to know how she will be treated, then she should observe how he treats his mother and his sisters. If a young man wants to know how he will be treated he should observe how how the young lady treats her brothers and her father. This makes a lot of sense. Respect for the other person is important to make them feel secure and loved. Love as God would love is good. Being responsible is very important to live life with fewer problems. Get things taken care of on time. Patience is an important one, because we need patience to get what we are after, and not to give up easily. We need to stay with it, even when we feel like quitting. Be a committed Christian, and be genuine. Don't be the person who claims to be a Christian and lives opposite of what that stands for. These are very good points, Crisi! :D :D :D :D

Thank you sir, for this message. It is important what you are looking for. In fact it is important also to talk sincerely in any communication that we have. Another thing that we must consider as christian is being true and genuine with our conversation. No perfect relationship. I still believe the more you hate the more you love. It is quite confusing huh.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:08 am

Yes, I was just thinking about that, Crisi, "The more you hate the more you love." It has something to do with passion. How can 2 people who love each other so much before marriage, and even after marriage for a while get to be so hateful. Not everyone who breaks up is hateful, but a lot of them are. Hate is not always a bad thing, but usually it is. We are to hate evil. One of the angels did not bring a railing accusation against the devil, but said the Lord rebuke you. So, I am not sure we are even supposed to hate the devil, although we are to hate the evil. The devil is our enemy, and if we restist the devil he will flee from us. Jesus said, "Get thee behind me Satan." It is a very deep subject. We are to hate what God hates, and love what God loves. We are to love God first, and to love others as we love ourselves. We are to love our husband or our wife as we love ourselves. The Bible says that no man hates his own flesh, so our husband or our wife is really our flesh and we are to love that person with all our heart just as we love God.

Sincerity in conversation is important. Being true and genuine is important. The only perfect person was Jesus, and all the rest of us fall short of His example. We do the best we can, but imperfections are there. Jesus loves us inspite of our faults, and we must love each other inspite of our faults as well. Tender hearted forgiving one another is the wording. Carol and I have been down the road almost 44 years; will be in a few months. That is a lot of history together. We still don't see eye to eye. Our desires and likes and dislikes are not always the same. In some ways they are getting further apart, and I think part of that has to do with Carol's deteriorating health. For one thing I would be happy to haul our water forever, but Carol wants running water in pipes in the house for some odd reason, so I think she will win eventually and we will have water that will run in pipes in the house! My son-in-law came over just this evening to talk with me about how I want to go about that. I am putting too much time and effort into my cellar, rather than getting the water in, but I decided to compromise, and make my cellar much smaller, but it will still be large enough for what we need, and my son-in-law will help me do the construction part of it, which he will probably have better ideas than I because he works in building store every day. So I told him I would finish the digging, and let him help me with the consruction part of it. He has bad shoulders, so I don't want him to dig, but together we will get it done! :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Mon May 07, 2012 6:32 pm

Sometimes I am not thinking really how will I decide. I just really wanted to trust God and then if He will give me hint then I will learn to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Mon May 07, 2012 11:26 pm

You are right Crisi it is best to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is not easy to decide. You listed so many wonderful attributes, and yet it can be confusing. We try to measure up, but yet we fall short. Trust in God for hints of His direction is a good idea. God's direction is the best. If He directs we will be on the right path. :D :D :D :D
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby crisipicada » Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:14 am

Hereunder are additional list of person I wanted to be as my future husband:

6. Discipline - This is one of the most important a person must develop in his/her life. All things you are planning and not acting of doing or finish it, it is still useless. It is important to have figure out and be discipline what we are trying to accomplish. I learn this from my late father. He wanted me to be very keen in doing things and be responsible to it. What a wonderful person to be disciple.

7. Sweet and thoughtful - This is another attribute that i wanted in a man. Being thoughtful really makes my heart glad and happy. I am like in heaven when someone remembers me especially those who are close to me. Even to my relatives, I am thoughtful to them. Also being sweet is very nice attribute. Sweet in the sense that someone who is always making me happy and not giving me hurt. Someone who will not give me sadness and insecurity in life. I am quite jealous type of person, huh. :roll: :roll: :roll:

8. Good listener - Being good listening heart is important to me. There are time that we really disagree with many things, but we can be disagreeable without being disagreement. Quite confusing huh. :roll: :roll: :| :| Sometimes, I just really need someone to agree to me and listen to me even if we do not agree. Another confusing words again :) :) :) :( :( :( :(
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Re: How Can I Decide?

Postby Edwin » Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:45 pm

Crisi, those are great additional points. Discipline is important to stay with the tasks until they are finished, and yes being on time is very important. Discipline is important if we are going to be responsible, and we must, as God wants us to be that way. Sweet and thoughtful is important. Good manners are important. It is important to think of the other person ahead of yourself. Sweet and thoughtful is part of being a caring person. It is always important to be concerned and show concern. Yes, we can agree to disagree, and disagree agreeably. It makes perfect sense! Being a good listener is important. It feels good to have someone listen to you when you have troubles, or when we are extremely happy about something good that has happened to you. People can hear without listening. Maybe their minds are out of gear, or they are not paying attention. Sometimes there is nothing more important than being a good listener. :D :D :D :D
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