crisipicada wrote:How can we live for tomorrow? Our joy turns to sorrow. We do not meant to hurt someone and what has done cannot be undone. We have been hurt, feeling desperate, discourage, sad, and disappointed. How do we mend a broken a heart. How do we find a place to start? How can we learn to trust each other? How do we wipe away the tears ? It seems it is hopeless because no one forgives. If only we can change mind and heart and let us change within. I miss your simple smile. How can we live when we still love the person? To be happy again Is worth all to start all over again?
Wow what a question... you ask easy ones! Like what is the meaning of life!?!?!?!
But there is a saying Crissi, "time heals all wounds". It may not happen in a week, it may not happen in a year or a decade, but it will happen. At least you understand that now is not the time to start a new relationship, that would be a disaster! We would try to fill a hole in our heart only to destroy another person just to make us feel better... NOT GOOD!
But the question I can answer here is; "To be happy again Is worth all to start all over again?". Crissi, if you could have the love and the joy that you had back again, would you take it? Would you risk the possibility of the pain you are now feeling to soar into the heights of love. To take a chance on another person that he might just be what you have waited for your whole life? That indeed you 2 shall become one flesh? It is said that Donald Trump has been bankrupt many times. But he still kept trying until he succeeded. I do not think wealth is that important, but love certainly is! Fight for you and your future... fight for the children that Crissi wants in the future, DO NOT be defeated by this... No pain lasts forever, but the joy of a pure relationship CAN last... CAN be renewed every day to bring you contentment and joy. Do not give up Crissi... you can do it!