If I lived in the Philippines where the mosquitoes actually cause/spread diseases I would feel the same way you do. I just scared my dog nearly to death. I was trying to kill a mosquito in mid air by slapping my hands together, then he flew next to the wall, and I splattered blood all over the wall, well in a small area anyway! When I hit the wall slapping at mosquitoes, my dog runs and jumps into Carol's lap! He is not a huge dog, like Scooby, but he is not a small dog either! I think it was my blood that got on the wall, so I cleaned it up! We let mosquitoes in the house while we were carrying groceries in! I am finding a quite a few of them while I am walking, but they are not bothering me badly. I do swat and kill a quite a few of them while walking, and I bat at them with open hands to drive them away. Scooby does not like them either. He bats his face with his front paws when the mosquitoes are near him! They bother Carol worse than they do me, and they bother our kids and our grandkids, some of them anyway more than that! Some of them have allergic type reactions where they swell and itch!